


3 years, 8 months ago


Always hungry and usually very rude, Umbra tends to rub people the wrong way. She's a runaway princess from my original mutant spider people race, whom has lived in the woods for the majority of her life. Needless to say, her table manners aren't the best. She is infected with a sentient parasite that causes night terrors, insatiable hunger, and occasionally tries to escape her body through some brutal means. Like every member of her species, she will go into a berserker rage when injured. While going berserk: the whites of her eyes turn black, her claws extend, and in extreme cases her speech becomes garbled while attacking anything in sight. Because of her parasite, this is a more common occurrence than usual. The black fur on her body is actually a chitinous armor that she can grow at will. It is hard but covered in a soft fluffy coating. TALKS REALLY LOUDLY.

-Can make weapons with her chitin
-But mostly just fights with her hardened chitin gauntlets and claws
-Stupidly strong
-But also kind of stupid sometimes so her tactics often don't work out lmao

Teni- Sister. They are on very bad terms.
Tanga- Coworker/combat partner. They may or may not have a thing going on but both are too proud to confess to each other
Cana- Coworker/friend. Cana thought she was really weird at first because Umbra would not stop hissing at everyone when she first started working at the organization. But, they later became closer when Umbra stood up for her by throwing a glass at a coworker who was harassing Cana.
Dentro- Coworker. He is still a little mad about how when he was trying to recruit her into the company, she uprooted a tree and threw it at him. They're on better terms now, though.