


3 years, 8 months ago




"You know what inspires me? Life itself."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title The bearer of good tidings
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Cosmic Protector
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age Unknown
    • Species Feratin/Elemental


    Calista is a unique looking individual with stunning purple eyes and long eyelashes, accented by rainbow coloured eyeshadow. Grey-blue horns grow from her skull at the forehead and circle around her head like a protective crown. Her rainbow hair is made from different metals and minerals, able to change length at will. During battle, she often makes it shoulder length, where it is less likely to get in the way. She often dresses rather simple, in a black tank top and shorts, with a red belt around the waist. She also has a pair of black heels with a single strap around the front.


    • BUILD Curvy, hourglass figure

    • FOOD Chicken salad
    • COLOUR All colours
    • ANIMAL Giraffe
    • SETTING Her art room
    • WEATHER Dry, warm weather
    • DRINK Coconut water
    • NUMBER Twenty Two
    • GENRE Romance
    • ACTIVITY Painting
    • TIME OF DAY Evening


    • Art/Painting
    • Well written and creative stories
    • Giving her friends motivation/inspiration


    • Art block and writers block
    • Those around her feeling sad/unmotivated
    • Mistakes


    • Writing
    • Painting
    • Making motivational speeches

    Calista is the personification for inspiration and good fortune. She is a beautiful woman, inside and out, who is never short of ideas and loves to share them with others. Just being around her fills others with inspiration. People even get good luck in her presence, or at least that is how it seems. Calista is extremely generous, always willing to give away her money and wealth to those in need. She will never pass up an opportunity to help someone in need and is by far the most kind hearted and forgiving person in the whole team. She can, however, be a little too forgiving and is known to give others a ‘second change’ more than a few times. Since she is a really creative individual, she loves anything that lets her creativity be free, like writing and painting. She is a bit of a perfectionist, however, and rarely lets people see what she is working on until it’s just right.


    • Inspiring
    • Generous
    • Always full of ideas


    • Large bodies of water
    • Too forgiving
    • Perfectionist


    Calista is a powerful Deity with an immortal lifespan. She has lived almost as long as the universe itself, and as such, her goals changed overtime. First, her one aspiration was to aid Rupture in breaking free from his own prison he created, to set him on the right path. Calista was designed to follow him till the end, so now stands alongside Rupture as they protect the galaxies and those within it from unnatural threats, threats that will put the balance of the universe at risk.


    • Making mistakes
    • Losing anyone in the team


    • Constantly compares things
    • Endlessly fixing errors in her drawing/writing


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Inspiring/uplifting and friendly
    • COMMON STARTER “Want to see something cool/beautiful?”
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Overuses the word ‘Literally’
  • Species

    [ Feratin ] The Feratin species possess a strange trait, which is reflected upon certain features. The strong amounts of mineral within their blood, causes the males to have long, sharp nails that act as claws, and get longer at their will. The females have long hair, made from microscopic chain links. Despite being made from a different substance, it acts and moves just like it should. It is extremely durable, often used as a weapon by their kind. It also shows their age by its natural length, but can grow at their will if in danger, before reverting back to its original length. Both genders, however, are born with horns attached to their heads. Sometimes, it acts like a helmet or crown for their heads. These horns come in all shapes and sizes, unique to its wearer. This species also wear armour of their own making, and are officially classed as the ‘Warrior’ species. It is because of this, that they are hired for jobs that revolve around their ability to build armour, as well as their exceptional fighting ability. The mineral within the species come in different kinds, and can be passed down through genes. Some families are born with iron, steel, aluminum, or even magnesium, as well as gold, quartz, and on rare occasions, diamond. The species themselves are almost immortal due to their long lifespan and how hard they can be to kill. The only reason they don’t overpopulate is because of the fact that their species have a very, very low chance of surviving birth. Most infants die straight after being born. The mineral within their bodies often kills them, but no one knows why this happens. The few that survive birth, however, age extremely slowly, which is why they can live to an incredibly high age. The older they are, the less pain they feel.


    [ Elemental ] An Elemental is a person born with the ability to control the elements, whether that is water, or fire, air, or even life. It is common for an Elemental to be able to control merely one element, however, sometimes they can control two. This is a very rare occurrence and there is only two possible ways for this to happen. They could be born with a second element, but this is extremely unique and comes with drawbacks. When this happens, the child often gets ill at a very young age, and some have even died because of it. The only other way for an Elemental to gain power over more than one is if they train themselves to master another, however, this is really hard to do and most can’t handle the pressure it brings. To be able to control an element, they have to be one with it, making it difficult to be one with two elements at once. They would have to somehow balance out the two so that they work together as well.


    [ Elemantria ] An Elemantria is the name given to an Elemental who is able to control all elements. An Elemantria has the ability to access all elements, but are never born able to control them at once. This is to prevent them from undoubtedly going insane, or dying at a very young age. That much power would either, literally tear them apart inside, or consume their mind with darkness. If they grow up still wanting to control the elements, they would have to seek them out and go through various methods to gain the power they wish to control. Unfortunately, while aren’t just given the elements straight from birth, they are still born with the urge to seek and consume power. The stronger they get, the more unstable they become. It is impossible to prevent since it is their natural predatory instinct to become the best over every other species. Because of this, they were often feared, but there is only one place where they were presumed to have lived. They were said to have lived in a beautiful city secluded from the outside world. Grass surrounded their home, and a few trees grew tall. It was like a paradise, until one day, their world collapsed. The surroundings for miles had died, becoming little more than a desert. It was said that the whole city had disappeared, replaced by a giant crater.


    Since Calista is part Feratin, she has high traces of metal within her blood, a rare, unbreabale metal only found on the most remote planets. This unique property gives her a set of horns and hair with metal-like features. Her body is naturally durable as well. Although her healing ability is slower than the average person, she is able to slow her blood and easily cover any wounds with the metal that flows through her veins. She has the ability to lengthen and shorten her hair at will. Calista is also very artistic and creative. She can even make armour and swords, which is a skill her kind are known for. As an Elemantria with deity origins, Calista was also created with every single element, from the main four, terra, water, fire and air, to less common ones, like dark, light, time and space. This makes her one of the most powerful beings in the universe, as she is not limited to just one element.

  • History

    Calista is a powerful entity who was born not long after the universe itself. She was created by a mysterious rift in the sky, along with four others. These five were made to be equals and were nearly as strong as Rupture and Divinity themselves. They were created with a purpose, tasked to show Rupture a new path. The universe him and Divinity created was not perfect and other forces threatened the balance. This realisation is why Calista, Rupture and the rest of the team started their new roles as Cosmic Protectors, having found a purpose to their immortal lives.


    Calista originally came from The Rift, a strange phenomenon that resides in the sky above Arcturus. She was one out of five entities to be born from this thing after Rupture lost his way. The Rift created Calista and four others to bring Rupture out of his isolation. It knew there was more that he could offer the universe.

    Current Residence

    After joining Rupture’s team as one of the Universal Protectors, Calista now resides on a planet located close to Arcturus in the centre of the galaxy. It is named after The Rift, the odd phenomenon in the sky above Arcturus and is a planet created by Rupture. Calista lives in a citadel of her own design. It is surrounded by the Mineral Mountains and the Forest of Iron Will.

  • Ancestry

    • Calista was born from the void, making her true ancestry and origins unknown


    • Calista has drawn the team on multiple occasions but keeps it a secret, fearing what they’d think
    • She keeps a secret diary filled with all her thoughts


    • Calista was created by The Rift at the same time as four others, Tyvone, Koen, Viveka and Aerilyn
    • They were born with a purpose, to help Rupture find meaning in his immortal life
    • Calista is a part of the Cosmic Protectors, who watch over worlds to ensure the balance remains in tact.
    • They also give orders to the Elite Prism Force and only step in when they are really needed.