


7 years, 1 month ago


"For a minute there, I lost myself..."


Name:Jace Adamos
Species:Human (cursed)
Origin Tribe:Iilia
Current Tribe Status:Went back to Iilia
Companion: A Sister Gondwanatherian
Dream:To take the best care of his Sister
Alignment:Neutral Evil
Themesong 1:Karma Police by Radiohead
Themesong 2:-
Name Meaning:wip








Jace matured much faster than others his age, both in appearance and behavior. Born in Iilia, magic is greatly valued in the tribe and many are able to manipulate it to varying extents. The tribe is an Oligarchy, and Jace's family in the tribe and a few other families who were powerful figureheads in the tribe (like his own were), broke away into a smaller tribe in the Iilia lands due to the debate around black magic, Iilia wanted nothing to do with it. The new sub-family was called Ailii and despite seperating due to disagreements, the Oligarchy made the two blend in a shaky harmony. Ailii never interacted with the other tribes and became more of Iilia's shadow for unpleasant things. Jace was a small child when Ailii was formed with his parents who became figureheads of Ailii. Thus all eyes were on him now as he was look at with expectations due to his new tribe and status. Thus said maturity of his was needed to survive the new rougher and critical lifestyle. The philoshpy of Ailiians was no doubt the most difficult life aspect. Ailiians are taught that the purpose of the human soul is to build yourself up and then strip your soul away to give back to the earth. This is how they would create black magic, by using that negative energy. Thus the main tribal princple was sacrfice. One must be ready to give all to the tribe, no matter how painful. The form/practice of this was often through the sacrfice of animal sisters and brothers. Due to the high amount of magical energy the tribe members contained, if one were to lose an animal sister or brother they would be able to form another one, with little time required. The sacrifices were dark rituals with often interesting side-effects, the most common being runes or parts of one's body turning into the animal sister or brother they sacraficed. As a child Jace had to sacrafice his animal brother he knew since birth way back in his time with the Iilia tribe. His Cynognathus named Zilab. After the ritual his fingers changed into those more similar to his animal companion. More sacrafices were done throughout his life. Human sacrafice was much rarer and usually only expected from those who did not have enough magical energy to take another sister or brother. Thus they must resort to sacraficing kin, otherwise not sacrificing is blasphemy. Apathy is not tolerated and is considered blasphemy is well. Apathy was the biggest enemy of tribe, sacraficing those they love was known to cause psyche issues, apathy being the biggest one. For Jace apathy was not the problem. Instead he grew resenment from his grief. He hated this tribe and hated how Iilia, his birth tribe, did nothing to stop Ailii. After his third sacrafice he bonded with a sister animal that was very ood compared to his style


  • Philosophy
  • Star-gazing
  • Music
  • Fighting
  • Dancing


  • Chaos
  • Messes
  • Spirituality
  • Crowds
  • Lack of punctuality



HEIGHT:3'6" ft
WEIGHT:260 lbs
BUILD:Large and bulky
EYES:Mature blue
CLAW COLOR:Light pink
TONGUE COLOR:Black with white along the sides
FUR STYLE:Neat and flat, suggesting he does not show much emotion, however sometimes his fur looks a little swept when he has spent the night dancing
FUR COLORS:White, mixture of browns, tans and pinks
DEMEANOR:Tense and rigid, yet confident
APPEAL:His posture is quie impressive, but all the shades of colors on his fur is his best appeal, it looks as if leaves of color had fallen and stuck on the mollted-colored wolf.
  • Has two scars on the left side of his face
  • Has brown freckles
  • Front of his bottom lip is black with two white stripes that remind one of percings
  • Due to bacchus blood he has a longer snout, ears, and 5 webbed toes and hind paw dewclaws








Aristotle's Charge

The start of a fight is when Maxi is at his most dangerous. Usually he starts the fight before others catch on, relying not only on the element of surprise but also the element of shock. For he uses as much energy as possible to charge/flail to get a first good hit or tear, hoping to later bleed out the enemy and win on endurance. If you can avoid this then you cause Maxi to have to change his fighting style. Thus speedy, small, and or dexterous opponents are his greatest weakness for this move. He loses a lot of energy from it too.

Plato's Envy

Following up after a successful Aristotle's Charge, Maxi continues to try and pressure the enemy with a wild frenzy of attacks, aiming more to throw his weight around due to his lack of precision. Basically bludgeoning his foes until they crumble from their old and new wounds. If he missed the initial charge he will not attempt this technique.

Buddah's Mimicry

Maxi switches to this if his charge fails. With this method, Maxi goes on the defensive, hoping to have enough speed to move in time to protect vitals and just taking the hits from his foes as he waits for an opening of any kind. He will also speak verbally to try and tilt his opponents or give off the illusion that he is still in a good spot. His enemy has to make sure not to get too overzealous for Maxi is observant and opportunistic enough to flip that to his advantage if possible. Otherwise his foes just need patience and they will surely win.

Understanding Kant

This is a skill Maxi only uses when facing multiple opponents. The sum of it is to basically beat to death one of the foes with the other as a sort of blunt hammer. Once he's able to grab the largest of the foes that is ale to be lift then it's over. However if they are too big, then it becomes more of a goal to knock or use the momentum of the larger opponent into the other one. If the opponents are very small, Maxi changes this into a more cruel method where the goal is to immobilize one of the small foes with his mouth or paws, and proceeding to slowly crush them. The goal is to lure the other one closer, sprint-leap and finish them off and then kill the original one he caught. Of course this doesn't work if the foes aren't close.


Maxi was born in an oddly-small family unit in vast grasslands. His parents told him they were remnants of the last true Bacchus wolves. It didn't take Maxi long to realize his parents might not be exactly telling him the truth, or they were at least a little biased. They mentioned how the new generations of Bacchus wolves were traitors and they lacked the faith and magic needed to remain a divine and dominant species. And whenever he asked a question they would sometimes contradict themselves, proving to be useless in the topic and therefore Maxi stopped trying to figure out his bloodline. Growing up he never fit in with his family, instead of playing or hunting he would want to talk, talk about life, feelings, wonders, everything possible that came to mind. He was dubbed a Chatty Bird and most just stopped trying to engage with him. Realizing that he was not adapting, he tried to focus more on what his pack was interested in. Going through all the motions, every night he started asking himself "was this it?" Was this his whole purpose? He could feel himself starting to go mad as each day was the same. This was not his destiny he decided and left his pack to find a greater purpose and meaning. However, that was easier said than done. Recalling his parents lamenting over the Bacchus wolves, he decided maybe that would be a good place to start. His research eventually led him to their borders.




[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


  • Maxi was originally going to be a husky mix
  • Maxi's original name was Disco.
  • Maxi's design theme was based on the concept of schadenfreude.
  • Maxi was originally supposed to be more evil and cocky.
  • Maxi's character is suppose to be more of a slowburn now.

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