๐Ÿบ Ethan Wulf ๐Ÿบ



3 years, 8 months ago



Human | Young adult | Male


I created Ethan in 2014 because I wanted a hunter character

He was a very old character and I only recently decided to remake him and give him a story.

Not much is known about Ethan other than his family kicked him out at a young age.

His personality is smug, but his mood is very depressed, if not for the depression he would be very confident, maybe even a little pompous.

Despite his flaws, he's made a home for himself, he's built his cabin, cooks and cleans for himself, hunts big game and small.

But this is what got him into trouble, during the winter he hunted wolves as usual, but without his knowledge he had killed a werewolf named Solomonย in wolf form.

Solomon now haunts him, and it's made him extremely paranoid, yet the werewolf's ghost has not hurt him in anyway and he doesn't know why.


Solomon, Hunting, cooking, cleaning, knitting, quilts, trapping, skinning, chopping firewood, fishing, his garden.


Solomon, Ghosts, slush, mud, mosquitos, bugs, termites, rabbits, squirrels, pests, storms, his family, other hunters, his distant neighbors.


While he doesn't know weather or not Solomon intends to harm him, he gets the feeling that Solomon doesn't know either.

He feels extremely conflicted on killing Solomon, on one hand, Werewolves are infected creatures that spread said infection, but on the other hand, he feels remorse due to the fact he was a loner like him who seemed to have emotions.

It could go two ways, either Solomon inflicts his revenge on Ethan, or they befriend each other due to being kindred spirits.

"I honestly don't know how to feel"


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