πŸ’˜δΈΉε‡ ε‘‚γƒ¨γ—ζ—₯凡几



3 years, 8 months ago


RZlOuzB.png ε†Šε‡΅ε°Ίε†Šε‡΅ε°Ί - paint
Stats and info
[unknown] aka angel - bun/bunni/bunny - murmur
??? yrs old
asexual demi-panromantic
any (including it/its & neoprns)
Some Planet


exploration culinary redemption daggers magic mumble inner peace the unknown gardens artistry
Likes and dislikes;
  • ergot
  • cakes
  • exploring
  • sleeping
  • being a disappointment
  • regection
  • isolation
  • abandonment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lobortis condimentum varius. Praesent ac ligula eget nisi auctor euismod. Pellentesque egestas congue erat sed bibendum. Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed feugiat, ex eget lobortis auctor, ex sem semper nunc, non condimentum velit ipsum in risus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis laoreet. Aliquam id laoreet sapien. Etiam sit amet varius libero. Morbi non dignissim ipsum. Fusce placerat volutpat felis a dictum.

pretty nice...

Vestibulum sit amet interdum lectus, gravida condimentum felis. Curabitur bibendum mattis elit, id scelerisque dolor consequat vel. Vivamus pulvinar risus in vulputate molestie. Duis bibendum arcu dui, vel mattis augue dapibus vitae. Donec faucibus, lectus in rutrum venenatis, tellus mauris imperdiet diam, ut semper quam ex ac purus. Proin ligula massa, semper tincidunt gravida vel, posuere a urna. Donec accumsan venenatis scelerisque. Fusce porta mattis leo nec venenatis.


Murmur holds the appearance of a bunny. It can grow several pairs of wings anywhere on its body. There are usually two pairs of wings on her body, a pair attached to her temples and a pair to her back. They can intentionally grow more but it is straining. More than two pairs of wings is more often than not a result of them feeling emotion, the more intense the emotion the bigger and greater amount of wings are grown. This can happen with any sort of emotion, whether positive or negative.

His fur is soft and plush. Xe usually does not wear pants or dresses, prefering shorts, short skirts, and sweaters. Most of their wardrobe is softer and diluted in color, the most commmon colors are soft pink and brown. They have a small collection of knives.

Design notes
  • Ears and tail are BIG, fluffy, and round!
  • Eyebrows are hearts! Eye lashes are the same color.
  • No pawpads!!
  • Expression is typically wide eyed and blank
Do/Do not
Do draw it standing ears not floppy
Do draw it with clothes not nakey
ergot partner link uwu

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dolor nisi, congue non porta id, vulputate a quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora.
name relationship link uwu
Phasellus lobortis condimentum varius. Praesent ac ligula eget nisi auctor euismod. Pellentesque egestas congue erat sed bibendum.
name relationship link uwu
Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a.

  • Got yote from heaven unjustly.
  • Carves little wood statues and leaves them random places.
  • Nicknamed Ergot Mumble due to him speaking so faintly on their meeting.
  • Has travelled through various realms, wandering.

150px-Notepad.png credits - Notepad
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