Voltaire (Old Doc)



Voltaire is a powerful Shapeshifting Crow Devil, specializing in mythical creatures.

Voltaire is a posh gentleman, with a slight sinister side to him given his demonic nature. He also has a thing for the theatrics, loving to be over-the-top when he sings. Those who seek him find in him a good show, but as he is for the most part nocturnal, some never return by sunrise...

Sometimes he visits cities to hang out in bars, night clubs or the streets in general, anywhere where there might be people feeling lonely on a Saturday night. this is usually where he gets to dine on more than just food, as some might be desperate for love they'd fall for a tall fellow like himself, and would do what he wanted of them...it usually ranged from letting themselves get bitten and drained a little of their blood, having sex...or being straight up hunted and murdered.


  • Shapeshifting: Voltaire can change his form into whatever he pleases. The form he has is his default (demon-human hybrid form).
    • He specializes in mythical creatures, meaning he can change into Wendigos, Griffins and other creatures much more easily. He cannot take on a fully "human" form as a result.
  • Vampiric influence: Voltaire just has...a very unwavering charm, that even the most skeptical of people fall for. He uses this to lure people to their dooms
  • Vampiric drain: This comes in two different forms: Blood drain (vampiric) or soul drain (demonic). 
    • Blood drain occurs when he bites someone on the neck with an intent to feed on their blood. People who get bitten this way do not turn into vampires themselves, as Voltaire is more demon than vampire.
    • Soul drain occurs when a blood drain occurs during sex. This can cause people to turn into demons on occasion (if for some reason their soul is so weak the entire thing gets pulled out of their body), but normally soul drain usually leaves a person weary and unable to experience many emotions for a few days.
7'0" || Heavy || 1,040 years || Demon blood


  • Bisexual, but not looking for romance as he is already married. He isn't above one night stands, though, considering soul drain satisfies him more than blood drain and normal food, and engages in those on the regular.
    • Don't worry, he's rather transparent with Lisa about this, and they worked out something: if the person resisted the soul drain attempts but kept screwing him, then after the stand Voltaire would murder them and bring them to Lisa, who would then devour the corpse (as human flesh satiated her the most compared to anything else)
  • Voice claim is the Aurelio Voltaire (AKA The Lair of Voltaire).
  • Theme song(s):