


3 years, 6 months ago


"I don't see the problem. Why? Because I took care of it."


Len (just Len, dear) is a certified asshole but sadly good at his job. All anyone knows is that if there's a problem, he goes. When he comes back, the problem is gone. He's a certified flirt (it's framed in a gaudy frame with gold glitter stars stuck on behind his desk) and will flirt with anyone and anything. Interesting enough, he's not one for honey pot missions. 

He's not that much of a softy, but is known to have soft moments...like 1% of the time. The other 99% are spent getting on everyone's nerves. 

He's in his mid 40s, and his hair went grey in his 20s. Highly flexible and very into parkour. Primary weapon is unknown.


Some notes:

- His necklace is a locket. It's rumored to be a picture of his partner but no one is sure. (Someone saw it once and said it looked like Dr. Marshall Ilune, but no one is entirely sure the two men have ever met.)

- Always, always, always wears heeled shoes, even though he is 6'2". 

- Casual outfits for him are slacks, a button up, and a jacket over his shoulder. Formal wear is the same but with thigh straps and arm garters  (don't judge he's an ass like that).