Green [Izzy]



3 years, 8 months ago


Green Izzy

11:50 PM Character image

Izzy Green

 She/Her ◦ Imposter

CrewMate Imposter Alienized Human


Human who became an imposter. She gets easily Bored She lives in a high class human colony next to her friend Gatzby, and usually rides around on her ship joining and leaving various crews to just meet knew people.


Izzy started out as, a regular human. Just another crew mate astronaut going from planet to planet to help with the colonization project. Until she, one day on the ship, she was in the bathroom and suddenly, a parasite crawled up her ass. Though it was a weird sense of circumstances as she ended stabbing herself while the creature was in her intestines which lead to her merging with the parasite and her having full control still. It was bizarre to say the least as she was planning to kill herself that day, but she learned that she could live without oxygen, and her hunger definitely increased but she didn’t have to eat human flesh to sustain herself, she could eat regular foods for her survival. She could sense other parasites that are around and has slaughtered and devoured other parasites for the safety of the crew and sustain herself for a long while surprisingly. Though she ends up having a major and long, painful shit to take afterwards. After living with this new ability for so long, she reached a point of boredom. A boredom with the ships and travel, and tasks, she couldn’t really do Medbay scans anymore, but she could do every other task like anyone else could. She, one day, was on a crew with another imposter, though this time it was different. Their name was Julius Gatzby, and Gatzby was definitely the new thing she was looking for. Gatzby gave her the nickname “Old Sport” as they bonded over a timeline of six months. They chatted and exchanged their stories of becoming parasitic hosts, cause she never met someone who managed to beat the parasite and absorb it into their body without actually murdering the creature inside their body like she had done, she thought that she had been the only one to accomplish something of that magnitude, yet Gatzby managed to accomplish this simply by drinking down a bottle of cyanide and killing the parasite inside of them in that way. They both had a merging parasite into them so it was a feeling of connection between the two. He was far older than she was at the time, her being in her late teens- early adult age of 18 and he stood at the ripe age of 31. He was known as a business man for a colony in one of the Goldi-Lock sectors “Do you have a home Old Sport?” “Huh? No, no I don’t actually” “Don’t have enough money Old Sport?” “Yeah that’s it.” “Well how about a deal old sport?” “A deal?” “Why yes a deal! I give you the nice little cottage next to my home on XY-J, and you come attend my parties at least every year or so.” “Really, that’s it?” “It is known as one of the High Class populated Old Sport” “You’d really do that for me?” “Why not Old Sport?! Besides we’re two of a kind!” After that life changing experience, she soon had a home on a high class colony and soon enough her own ship. She attended the parties almost daily during the first year, but slowly went to monthly, and now it’s semiannually that she goes to his parties as she seems to have taken up her time back on her own ship visiting from human colony to human colony to see how things are going and “to weed out” some of the horrible people in society. For she knows no mercy, for parents, for doctors, for homeless, for rich or poor, no one can escape the harsh judgement of her bringing justice to who wrongfully oppress others just because they have a differing opinion.


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 Code by Wolfhowler