Saux - Soren



7 years, 2 months ago


Do away with unnecessary feelings, they hold you back- give them to me ~ Soren. Soren is the Death 005 of Sector 2 district 4 Soren entered the world without feelings - he is a high functioning psychopath - which has allowed him to grow to the prestige of a Death. His affinity are feelings- every month he is affected by his affinity, connecting to a creature with an intense and or extreme feelings- By hunting down this person, he proposes them a deal. "Give me your [insert feeling, emotion] here, you will become better at [Insert the pros] - Though temporary.. you will be able to overcome your greatest obstacle." ~ Soren If the person agrees, he eats their feelings/emotions which are then housed in his gem. This lasts for 3 days- if the person disagrees he will go his way, however if their emotions continue he may continue to bother them until his session is up. this lasts normally for 7 days, in which he returns back to his duties as if nothing happened but with a better understanding on how to fake those emotions. Soren lives in Section 02, District 005, he answers so the White Raven, Superior Death 02 of O.W.L.S White Raven by PreternaturalSolace Soren is an Ex Negotiator SS0000, Soren has a mask called Empathy, this mask enhances his resonating skills allowing him to connect with his foe and convince/persuade them to his side, that or put ideas in their head, as well as his defense. his weakness sets over his heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Currently: Soren is a refugee within Sector 01 District 002, after an a civil war he had turned on the System for to protect the one he loved (real feelings of love, the person was able to give him real feelings). After the battle, the person left- leaving him with new emotions and at the mercy of the system. Being an asset to the system, they showed him mercy , however, he has been striped of his title as Death, his nightshade removed (though in appeal) - as well as never having the opportunity of entering a role of power, except as adviser. He spends most of his days in the hospital, taking inventory (literally) of painkillers, due to the slow detachment of his horns which were initially broken during the Civil War, slowly his emotions are dithering.