


3 years, 7 months ago



Gender: Male

Species: Pegasus

Age: Young Adultish (mid 20's)

Orientation: Bi-curious though only been straight

Grumpy Royal Boy. Very ladies man.

Was very spoiled as a child and got nearly everything his heart desired, except his family's time and love. He was the only son born of an aristocratic blue blood family. He has 3 sisters, two older and one younger. He holds a special spot for his younger sister, as she is the closest in age to him, and he was there for her when his parents were busy as usual. 

He is attention starved and has taken to extreme lengths to find "love", but doesn't quite understand what it is since receiving little to none from his parents. Because of this he holds resentment and darkness in his heart and puts up a bit of a tough guy act. He is secretly a big softy, but most people don't stay long enough to getb to know the real him. Good etiquette, but with a heavy amount of grump and disconnect.

Loves Strawberry milkshakes and cat naps. Secretly wants to be a hair dresser or well loved model.

Scar on left side of face received as a child from a Catfolk.