
3 years, 8 months ago


Pronouns: He/him

Age: 23

Gender: male

Sexuality: Questioning

Birthday: February 15th

Species: Elf

Hair: Cherry red

Eyes: Brown

Skin: pale

Full Name: Ace Mason Keint

Fashion: His Pinterest Board 

Creature: African wild dog

Flower: red roses🌹❤️🥀

One of the most popular people in the continent 

A model and a singer

Has two pet ravens he loves dearly

He loves (to spoil) Fei and showers him with riches and attention (things Ilya could never do...)

He hates Victor and despises the techniques the faun uses to get what he wants

Really into politics (makes more enemies than friends)

Oblivious to Fei’s scheming. Like everyone else, he believes him to be a pure and genuine being whose only plans are to better the world and protect the people from cruel villains like Irelia 

Completely trusts and believes Fei, not once doubting his stories or motives 

Was never told the truth about Fei and Ilya’s relationship. Thinks they were only close friends until Irelia turned on him and tried to take his magic 

Has good intentions- but is too naive and oblivious to do the right thing