Van Larsen



3 years, 8 months ago


Van Larsen
Blackwater Park

01 — Profile

Name Van Larsen
Nicknames Vanny
Age 32
Gender Male
Height 1.87m
Birthdate May 06th
Species Wolf
Orientation. Straight
Occupation Pharmacist

Status Single
Designer Amphyz
02 — Personality

Van is calm, most of the time he's sleepy. He's a nice person to talk with and he will not look out for problems or discussions. Most of the time can be seen alone since he isn't much of a friend. He's very reserved with his personal life, not many people know much about him and there are theories that he has gone through very bad situations.

Even tho he can be calm, he can very easy to get pissed off, even more when he isn't smoking a cigarette. This since his strong addiction to tobacco controls his mood easily.

When he is not working on his pharmacy, he can be found at heavy metal concerts and will be inside the mosh pits.

  • Heavy Metal

  • Tobacco

  • Rainy days

  • Been alone

  • Ranchera Music

  • Watermelon

  • Sour stuffs

  • No Smoking places

03 — Background


He was born in Oslo, Norway, and was raised by his father since his mother died due to cancer when he was just 4 years old. His dad was a very working man in his own business, as a carpenter. Van learned these skills and loved to make wood carvings and furniture with his dad. However when he was at the age to study at college, he decided to take another way and study Medicine, and later on, he decided to be a pharmacist.

Once his dad passed away he decided to sell everything in Norway and move up to Switzerland where he worked as a pharmacist until he met Leith Pagels and he convinced Van to move up to Costa Rica, where he opened a small pharmacy.


Since his dad worked so much, he spend most of his childhood alone in his dad's workshop. Even tho he learned much there and loved his dad, he never developed social skills, and it is quite hard for him to open himself up with people, even starting a conversation is hard for him. Being a pharmacist has helped him to be able to talk with people, even tho most of the time if because of working reasons.


He became addicted to tobacco when he got into college, he found in it a way to control his stress, even tho he knows it is not the best way. Tobacco has made changes to his fur, his white will never be pure white and he used to be blonde, however, years of smoke and ashes have turned his hair darker.

Tobacco has been always part of his life, his dad used to smoke on a fancy wood pipe. Since a child, he loved the smoke of his dad's pipe, which was more fruity and aromatic than a normal tobacco cigarette. Van can't smoke tobacco on a pipe since it brings him so many nostalgic memories.

04 — Trivia

  • He keeps having wood craving tools and sometimes he takes some time to practice it.

  • The worst thing you can gift him is sour candies

  • He is lactose intolerant

  • It has been too hard for to live on Latin American country, he hates Salsa, Merengue, Ranchera, Cumbia and Reggaeton music

  • He has a dragon plushie and can't sleep without it

05 — Relationships


They met up at Switzerland, Leith had a part time job at an aquarium in front of the pharmacy that Van worked at.

