


3 years, 8 months ago


Pronouns: He/him

Age: 25-30???

Species: Ghost/Reaper/DeathAngel/Idk

Birthday: December 21st

Full name: Brian Clark Thomason

Hair: Black

Eyes: Grey green

Timeline: 1930-60s

   (This is a WIP, so sorry if the details are really vague. I also don’t have all the facts, so ima just say that he lives in a universe similar to ours. So he lived in a country kinda like the US during something like the Great Depression. Some things are different tho)


   Brian lives a small house/apartment thingy with his mother. His father died in an accident before he was born, and his horrified mother realized that she’d do anything to keep her son from the same fate of death.

   Unable to lose another loved one, Brian’s mother found a witch, and had her cast a spell on her son so that he’d never die.

   Fast forward to when Brian was 12, he had become friends with a kid in his neighborhood named James, and the two of them often ran around town causing trouble. They helped out at the pub, sweeping and wiping down the tables for a couple pennies. 

   The two of them had been hanging out at Brian’s house while his mother was out. Next store, someone had accidentally started a fire, and the fire spread to Brian’s house. James managed to escape the fire, but Brian was trapped inside when the ceiling collapsed on him. 

   His mother had seen the fire from a distance, and knowing that her home was near there, she ran home to check on the boys. She came home only to find her son dead.

   Brian did not in fact die. His soul simply separated from his body. This is what happens when anyone dies, but in Brian’s case, he did not go on to live in the afterlife, but was stuck in this world without a body. 

   The queen of the lost children, the one who would usually collect the soul of a child when dead, soon realized that Brian could not move on to the afterlife. So instead she offered him a purpose, she gave him a job. He became her reaper, he was to find, collect, and escort the lost souls of children to her realm, and ensure that no other being disrupts their journey. Brian accepted her offer, and is now stuck in the form of a mature human male.

   He isn’t exactly the typical creepy kind of reaper, but more of an escort to make sure that the souls of children make their trip to the afterlife safely. He genuinely cares for the children, and wishes no harm upon them. He is meanwhile disgusted by adults, and how greedy and horrible they can be compared to the innocent children. He feels no sympathy for the parents of dead children, and is actually glad that the children don’t have to live in the cruel world any longer.

   He has an overall bitter vibe to him, and often seems emotionless. He has no reason to smile, and simply does his every day job, for the rest of his life. He’s so edgy lol.


In the end, his mother’s attempts to save him from the wicked death, she cursed him with eternal life. He will never feel the sweet release of death, and will be forever stuck in this wicked world of suffering. Pretty emo, I know.


   He’s a ghost, so he can’t actually touch anything, and no one can see him except for other ghosts or one of the high immortals (like the King of Death, or the Queen of Youth, etc.) He can go into a human form, though , which is the same as his ghost form but physical. It takes a good bit of energy to do this, and he’s not allowed to stay for long. 6 hours is the limit. He can feel, taste, and smell in this form, but can also feel pain, of course.

   He rarely goes into this form unless it is required for his job (like if a human or physical something is getting in the way of his job, or harming a child’s spirit in any way.) 


   He is not allowed to disrupt a human or anything, especially a child, unless absolutely necessary. If a human is messing with something they aren’t supposed to or getting in the way, Brian is then allowed to take out his favorite sickles and start slashing. 

   The only other situation where he has an excuse to use his darling sickles is when another spirit, soul, or otherworldly being or immortal is messing with a child or Brian’s mission. He has permission to do whatever he wants with a creature who gets in the way of a child on their way to the queen. 

   Child souls have a LOT of power, a result of their overwhelming innocence that no adult or immortal could continue. That is why many spirits wish to capture a child’s spirit. But they do not, in fear of the queen of lost children finding out (she always did), and becoming furious with them. 

   She hated it when something was taken from her, ESPECIALLY one of her precious spirits. Brian didn’t actually know what she needed all the spirits for, or what she did with them, but neither did he care. His job is simply to find and bring the children to her, and that is what he did. 


   Brian wears a mask, which is also a ram skull, over his face to cover the burns he got from his death. He wears a dark hooded cloak, a black turtleneck, black leather pants, and knee-high boots. He has a decorative scythe he holds only to intimidate, but his true weapon of choice are two undecorated sickles, and he takes great care of them.