Miicha (Secrets of Arcana)



1 year, 7 months ago


CHOSENHaldisa, Being of Emotion


Mii is what you may call emotionally in-tune with others. She not only has a great deal of emotional intelligence to understand different viewpoints, but she is also incredibly smart when it comes to reading others. Sometimes, her tendencies of knowing how to read people further complicates her tendency to overthink things, especially her own actions in the moment. Despite being characterized by her anxieties, however, Mii is actually quite friendly and personable. She loves people, and she has strong beliefs in feeling that there is inherent goodness in everyone. She, herself, is quite easy to read. Even in trying to hide her emotions, she may only be fooling herself in the process. She is terribly expressive, and what she does not say with her words she will often show through gestures and expressions alone, foiling herself. Don't let her meekness misguide you though. While she is quicker to nod and agree for the sake of peace, she's also incredibly opinionated in her own little head, making her quite judgmental. When she knows what she could do is good for someone else, she is stubborn about it.


SPECIESYak Highland Cow
HEIGHT4'6" (137.16cm)
WEIGHT163lbs (73.93kg)
BUILDThick, bottom heavy




The beach & sand

Gardening & knitting

Bandaids & stickers


Aggressive personalities

Heavy makeup

Being on stage

Ghosts & haunted houses


  • She played volleyball in high school. Her position was a Libero.
  • She loves putting bandaids on people! Even if you don't have an ouchie that would need a bandaid, she would give you a bandaid.
  • Believes in Animism.


Hometown: Glavnaya

Sometimes there are individuals who simply lead a modest lifestyle yet yearn to touch the secrets left untouched, despite how daunting the task may seem; such is the case for Miicha, a native to the snowy isles of Glavnaya. Born to parents Nari and Myung Mangjôl, Mii grew up as the youngest daughter, semi-sheltered as a result and certainly babied. Her elder sister, Ji-hae, surpassed her by nine years, different from her in every way. No matter their tendencies and personality clashes, however, the two were peapods, especially as Ji-hae helped her sister navigate through the world of their small tundra time and time again.

Mii had always been soft-spoken and well-mannered in her youth. Though she was quiet and a bit shy, that did not mean she lacked the social skills to form friendships and participate in class. One of the subjects Mii was most passionate about was science. Her interest in medicine began with her magic. Small cuts and bruises on her family members could be healed with just a little touch, and the act of helping people gave Mii a healthy dose of dopamine.

Her dedication to the medical field exploded following her mother’s diagnosis of vocal cord paralysis; attending routine visits alongside Nari, as well as observing the x-rays and listening to doctors, made Mii really want to better understand the terminology. At first, it was for her mother’s sake; Mii had promised to be the one to assist her mother with speech therapy at home after Nari’s official appointments. Despite her mother’s steady improvement, Mii still maintained her interest in the medicine field. As a result, Mii spent her time in school volunteering in the nurse’s office during recess. It was usually small tasks, like stocking supplies and checking on students who admitted themselves into the nurse’s office to sleep, but Mii enjoyed it nevertheless.

Of all of her friends, Mii’s best friend was always Jihae. They went many places together, especially since Jihae wandered the country a lot. Their age gap may have been vast, but she never discouraged Mii from calling on her anytime to hang out. Concerts, Jihae’s dance recitals, brunch—Jihae always extended an open invitation to Mii. She’d once even invited her to a club, trying to sneak her in without an ID, but Mii had caused such a fuss that it never came to pass.

While Mii was a high school student, Jihae’s up-and-coming reputation as a choreographer made many of Mii’s peers approach her. Sometimes for friendship, sometimes to ask if they could film a video with her for their socials. She had gained a lot more friends by nature of Jihae being a dancer, though Mii tended to have a good sense for when they may have been using her, her connection to Jihae, and Jihae’s connection to singers, actors, and other famous dancers. After all, when Mii would often visit Jihae at her studio, it wasn’t uncommon she caught glimpses of minor celebrities. And it also wasn’t uncommon that MIi stayed far out of their way.

College age came and went in a flash. It was terrifying to study in a city that was on an entirely different side of the globe, but Mii plucked up her courage to go to Chân Núi for university. There, she interned at Willowbleu Pharmaceutical Facility under the careful eye and tutelage of one of its heads, Cordelia. It would help fast-track Mii to medical school once she graduated, and it would look nice to have a recommendation from a reputable facility.

Once she’d finished university to think about med school, Mii had decided her dream. As nice as working in a hospital would have been, what she really wanted was to open up her own clinic once she had the experience. She didn’t relish the thought of surgery, but rather enjoyed soothing the smaller anxieties, aches, pains, and shots. With thousands of hospitals and clinics all over the world, one of Jihae’s recommendations kept circling around Mii. Lune de Miel.

The place itself had plenty of alarming rumors circling about though: disappearances, possible murders, loss of contact… Fortunately, all of the rumors of its “disappeared” residents were unfounded, it seemed. The island merely lacked the resources to communicate at the time. So, what should Mii have to be afraid of?







"BLOSSOM BREW"- Nature | Miracle

Mii touches points on another person’s body with her fingertips. This causes flowers and small bits of flora to sprout on the person’s body from the area of their wound or ache, healing them. Once the pain is gone, the flowers will scatter or crumple away. This spell cannot be used for life-threatening injuries, such as missing limbs or head trauma. It can, however, numb the pain of those.


"WINDOWS TO THE SOUL" - Light | Miracle

Mii takes the hands of another person and stares deeply into their eyes… After a few moments of concentration, that person is turned invisible for a small amount of time. While invisibility is active, Mii’s eyes will turn a brighter, almost white version of whoever’s eye color she made invisible. She can also perform this spell on herself using the reflection in someone else’s eyes. If the person is ever in the path of very bright light, or bright light is shone into Mii’s eyes, the effect is nullified and Mii is blinded for a minute.



Mii manipulates magic around her to form a reflective barrier (4ft x 6ft) in front of herself or another person. This wall will shimmer with magical energy, and any harmful spells that collide into it are rebounded back at the caster. So long as Mii is standing, the wall will remain.

Types of spells able to bypass her barrier:

  • Shadows, Glamour, Teleportation/Portal, Sound-based Spells.
  • Any sort of magic that manipulates the mind or emotions of a person.
  • Magic that is meant to dispel or specifically break barriers.