Tbn's Comments

Does anyone here LusciousDream17 on Toyhouse or here LusciousDream17 on Toyhouse Interest you?

Hey! Is this bean up for offers? ; o;; I love them so much! 

Entertaining offers as of now but feel free to propose anything! Mainly looking for another Un0ly design but everything is fair game!

I have a few Unh0lyy designs if you'd like to look at them! Other than that, feel free to look around on my page. If you see any that possibly were to interest you lemme know. ^^ 

I really liked Moxy (https://toyhou.se/10169278.moxy) although I would completely understand if you were tentative on them! Other than them, I'm afraid I did not see anyone that caught my interest I am afraid sorry :'(

Is this bean for offers :0

It depends I am mostly looking for swap on them or HQ characters No USD offers as I got them for free ^^'

Anyone in my toyhouse but my chams interest you?

The only things that slightly caught my interest was the Impim myo slot and them https://toyhou.se/8866909.puppers#28394216 ^^'

Mmmmm I could trade the Impim slot but can I doodle them first?

actually nah I’ll trade for them impim slot

Sorry for the delay of my answer, I'm a bit hesitant to not swap them for an Unholy design :'(

1 Replies

anyone in my th for them?