♢ Vann ♢



3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Vann

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Age: 27

Backstory: [N/A]

Voice Canon: [N/A]

Personality: More like your regular everyday dumbass, completely clueless to what he's supposed to be doing and relies on luck a lot. He's pretty laid back, doing things more by 'feel' than complete throguhout thinking- which allows him to think outside the box more than others. He's pretty intuitive, but overall just wants to have a good time and cause shenanigans. 

Fighting Style: [N/A]

Additional Info: 

Vann works in The Guild alongside Bakuhae, Shiro and Hanako
He's able to improve with materials on the spot to create weapons or solve problems.
Vann enjoys painting and sculpting, often even creating miniature sculptures of the people he cares about. He either gifts said sculptures away or keeps them for himself as they hold a lot of value to him.
Due to Vann's interest in painting, he tends to often be covered in paint around his hands and face from having been working on art projects. There's a chance that said paint on him might still be fresh, which he then could get on others if he touches them. This is unintentional but pretty annoying for some.