Content Warning

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hey! Thanks for checking out my sweet Abigail. A couple warnings, though:

TW: Suicide and Depressive Thinking -- Abi is recovering from a recent suicide attempt, and has severe clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder. These thoughts can be triggering to others, so I feel it necessary to notify people of what they're in for.

TW: Drowning -- Abi is connected with a lot of water imagery, and attempted to drown herself during her suicide attempt. I draw her in water a lot, and i'm candid when it comes to her experiences with water. This can be triggering to some, including myself if i'm not careful, so i'd rather people know what they're getting into.

TW: Self-Harm -- Abi self-harms by cutting. Occasionally, I draw her with self-harm scars. This can be triggering to see or hear about, so i'd rather put up a content warning than have people be blindsided.

If you're cool with all this, move along and check out Abi! If not, I understand!

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