Echo (Echo (Godling))



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Echo is the eldest Godling created. They can take a form of whatever age they wish.


Godling of Chaos, Unspoken One, The Corrupter




The Reversed (all for the sake of the anarchy of it all)


Chaos, discord, and all things unfortunate.




Whatever they wish


Whatever they wish


Echo is the Godling of Chaos and Discord, tasked with causing misfortune and disarray to all humanity.






Humanity (and the suffering they experience), disorganized areas and things, corrupting


Humans, humans, humans, betrayal, and humans


A long, long time ago, deep within the Dimension of Creation, a foolish God thought he could recreate humanity. Alone with his thoughts, and full of boundless power, he wanted to be the one to give life to all living beings. Channeling his divine power of Will, and focusing all his might, this God created what he thought was to be the First Human...but it was not to be. The God had made a terrible mistake, and his creation had come out malignant. It was too powerful, too dangerous, and seemed to be the Resurrection of the Two-Toned Devil's influence itself. Horrified at his mistake, and with the help of the other two Deities, the evil Godling was banished from the Dimension of Creation after a long fight--never to return.

Life was eventually created, and humans found their place amongst the stars, but Echo lives among them in the material plane full of bitterness and hatred. Despising humanity, Echo began to mess with the lives of all living creatures, inciting discord and chaos among their daily lives. Echo inspired villians, brought on impossible storms, and bent reality as they saw fit, all for the purpose of causing the suffering of humanity. They even corrupted other Godlings, drawing them out of the Dimension of Creation, and into the material plane to help wreak havoc on the mortals...but with all the hubris Echo acquired, it was sure to lead them too close to the sun...


Physical Description:


Echo's form can be whatever they wish it to be, at any given moment. They are unpredictable, and are constantly changing their form. This said, they often take the form of a human.

Their hair and eye color are often subject to change, but Echo seems to have a preference for the color white. Their race is subject to change, also.

Echo's "true form" is a malignant white mass, with a solitary yellow eye in what appears to be the head shape. However, Echo never reveals their true form. They can shape-shift--taking on whatever form they wish, but in the past Echo has had an affinity for white hair. Scripture often depicts them having it, due to the frequency of this color choice.

Echo has a distinctive scar running from the bottom of their right eye to the edge of the chin. Where they got this scar is unknown, as it is not depicted in any of the ancient scriptures. If anyone managed to damage the Godling, it must be recent, and that person must have been awfully close to them...




Echo, throughout the various ancient mythological scriptures, has always been described as an impulsive, finicky and proud being.

With the ability to warp reality in order to wreck havoc and anarchy, Echo seemed to take pleasure in antagonizing/toying with humanity. Echo was often the villain of the Third Eye scripture, and was constantly in strife with the Three Deities and the other Godlings, all as a result of their dangerous pleasures and unfortunate personality.

Since their awakening at the hands of Maya Nejem and Ling "Snitch" Zhu, Echo's personality has been dulled as a result of their amnesia and confusion. As a result, Echo is notably easy to confuse and disorient. They have trouble understanding simple things, because their mind is subconsciously searching through a variety of situations/possibilities at once.

They are still impulsive and easily amused by humanity, however, they are prone to sudden mood swings and are more sensitive toward humans. They have a distinct sarcastic side, and tend to have a dry sense of humor when dealing with people they view as beneath them.

Convinced that reality is a ridiculous dream, Echo is along for the ride in this little show happening around them. Told that they are the only one who can save the Reversed from extinction, Maya and Snitch are tasked with dragging Echo across the country in order to possibly return the Godling's memory. Echo thinks this is more than hard to believe, but as time goes on, the line between reality and dreams begin to blur for Echo...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Echo, as the Godling of chaos and discord, has the ability to warp reality as they see fit. This can range from sowing seeds of doubt into people and watching their reactions, to causing disaster and tragedy to befall people both indirectly (natural disaster) and by their own hand. If Echo wished it, they could create/destroy anything, and break the laws of physics if necessary. Sometimes, (especially while an amnesiac), they do it without realizing. Whether it be them praying that a bullet doesn't hit them, or that whoever is chasing them goes away, Echo can subconciously use their power to escape difficult situations...

In the past, Echo had (and still) has an extreme case of hubris, and sometimes can get under the assumption that they are untouchable and better than humanity. This tends to lead to them underestimating their opponent and being tricked, as they did 100 years prior. In the present, however, their weaknesses are different. Fully convinced they are not a Godling, Echo has lost all of their memory and power--and is completely helpless on their own. When they try to remember their past, they will either pass out, or become very drowsy/ill. Without friends to help them in this vulnerable state, Echo could easily be captured and once again sealed away by the Order. Not only this, but every time Echo sleeps, a mysterious voice attempts to drag him back into the eternal slumber...


Bonus Facts:


- Echo has corrupted a couple Godlings who have dared to leave the Dimension of Creation, and has caused much misfortune among other Godlings. This corruption cannot be reversed by the Deities, so it is a real fear for many Godlings that Echo will find them if they leave...

- Echo was named "Echo" by their creator, Robin. He did so because Echo is exactly as their name says, an echo, a shallow copy that seems exactly like the real thing...and although it starts out strong it will fade over time.

- Echo's sadism at the expense of humanity is drawn from their jealousy, a deep desire to become human. They have always wanted to be human; they were created to be the First Human! But the one thing they truly want--they cannot have.