Arcadia Katsaros



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Arc (Snitch) Cadia (Maya) Ca-Di (Arcadia's wife, Annie)




The Order


February 6th








High-Ranking official for the Order, tasked with exposing and terminating The Reversed. Now she's been given an even more important mission--recapturing the Fallen Godling...






Organization, strong wills, planning, the color green, when things go off without a hitch.


Chaotic situations, everything going horribly wrong, the idea of her wife being hurt, being outsmarted, quitters.


Arcadia Katsaros is a member of the Order, a utopian society where all citizens live in harmony together without crime or complaint. It's her job to keep and maintain that order. Arcadia maintains the border and eliminates all deviants--including remnants of the pesky Reversed group that just refuses to assimilate. She's got her reasons for her strong defense, and dreams of a world without chaos.

A high ranking Order official, Arcadia has been recently given an assignment that will move her even further up the food-chain. The Fallen Godling has been awakened. It is Arcadia's sworn task to retrieve the Godling, and to the kill small team of Reversed operatives transporting them. That request is in good hands. Arcadia has been waiting her whole life to challenge and defeat the Godling if they ever were to awaken in her lifetime, and she is more than ready. Arcadia Katsaros doesn't fail.


Physical Description:


Arcadia is a tall young woman with a curvy build. She does everything with confidence, and has the power to kill you on a whim both with her orders and her fists. She lives for dominance and obedience.

She has orange (ginger) hair cut unevenly, one side (her right) is longer than the other and drapes over her face. She has bright green eyes. She is caucasian.

Arcadia is a member of the Order, a utopian regime that aims to create a world without violence or strife. However, in order to reach this pinnacle, those in opposition must fall. Arcadia has been groomed since birth to become an officer of the law, and she's made quite the name for herself. Her name feared among the remaining Reversed vermin, Arcadia is ruthlessly dominant, and rarely ever fails in her missions. She's been given quite the challenge this time, but Arcadia is ready.

She has cute freckles that show mostly in her cheeks. 




Diligent and unyielding, Arcadia has been the cause of death for many individuals.

Strong-willed, dedicated, and positively dominant, Arcadia simply can, and will, never be bested. The Order is all she has ever known, and her loyalty to them is borderline obsessive. She would do anything to achieve the goals of her people, even if it meant killing thousands of people. She simply feels no empathy for those who have challenged her way of life.

Arcadia demands control, and uses her resources to get her dirty work done. To the Reversed, she's a ruthless messenger of death who captures and kills deviants that go against her regime. To others, however? No one is sure what Arcadia is like when she's not working--only her wife, Annie. Arcadia serves the Order faithfully, but she also has a need for adrenaline and challenge. She can become easily bored, and searches for a worthy opponent to go against. With Echo being awakened, Arcadia finally feels as if she will have an even match against the powerful Godling. She will not settle with dissapointment.

She's so used to being in control of the situation, that when things fall out of it she can become angered. In her desperation to win, she will sacrifice anyone and anything, and she does not take resistence for an answer. She rarely listens to anyone but herself, and her lack of second-opinion can lead to her downfall. Arcadia doesn't like to be dissapointed or slighted, and see's it as an injury to her pride. If anyone spoke ill about her, or about the Order, she cannot help but be quelled into action. 

The Reversed are a group of lawless, destructive types who aim to tarnish the dream the Order has worked so hard to achieve. To preserve her way of like, Arcadia has fought diligently against this terrorists, and due to the combined efforts of many Order operatives the threat of rebellion has been essentially removed from the playing field. All that is left is to pick up the pieces; toss out the leftovers, but the Reversed are like cockroaches who always return when you least expect. One day, Arcadia is given an order, one that she's been dreaming of since she was a child. Retrieve the Fallen Godling, who has awakened from their reported slumber, and kill the Reversed operatives escorting them... 


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Arcadia, unlike Maya, has actual tactical experience as a leader. She's highly intellegent, highly persuasive, and has a handle of the situation at all times. Her iron will is her biggest assist, and Arcadia is a powerhouse who will not relent until she achieves her goal. Her wit and resources and sharp and able, and she knows how to work the emotions of her enemies to get the result she wishes. Along with this, by herself, Arcadia is a competent fighters who can deal with an enemy if it comes to blows. She's been trained to be a high-ranking member of the Order since childhood, and the techniques/teachings and imbued in her blood.

She puts herself on a high pedestal, and when that pedestal crumbles she tosses aside everything in order to get back up again. She doesn't so well with defeat, and when her foresight is outwitted/thwarted she can become frustrated and passive-agressive. That bitterness and that need for revenge can cloud her judgement, and the idea of being bested by the Reversed of all people makes her blood boil. If all else fails, threatening Arcadia's wife is the only way to get through to her. Arcadia would do anything for her.


Bonus Facts:


- Loves the color green, usually is always wearing it somewhere on her outfit.

- The only person she is ever soft on is her wife. In every other situation, Arcadia is hard, brazen, dominant and untouchable. However, when Annie is around, Arcadia tends to fawn over her. It's like she's a compeltely different person.

- A great cook, often cooks homemade meals with her wife when she's on break. She makes incredible cakes.