Genevoise DuPont



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Gen (Penny), Genny (Penny, Kina)




A young woman in Little Village, noticing the subtle changes coming over her friend...


November 10th








A rich socialite living off her parents money, Gen really has no need to work.






Kina, dancing, her family, family outings, Penny, Nickel, Discounts


Slow people, buzzkills, news, being judged


Genevoise DuPont is a rich socialite living off her families money in relative comfort.

From her lot in Little Village, the residence for the cities monetary elite, Gen has watched the city collapse in on itself following the announcement of the first Royal Murder. Although she turns to her best friend Penny LeClair for comfort, Gen finds herself noticing minute changes in her friend that drag her into the Murder's in a way she never would have expected...


Physical Description:


Gen is a tall woman with a skinny build. She is constantly wearing jewelry in excess, and is never afraid to flaunt her wealth when out on the town.

She has long natural black hair held back in a low ponytail and olive skin. She is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of African and Latina).

A rambunctious and reckless woman, Gen is an adrenaline junkie who seeks excitement in everything she does. Confiding in her best friend Penny, and entering a relationship with a diner waitress named Kina, Gen's life builds to a point of peak excitement for her. However, as the Royal Murder's commence and the moral in the city gets darker, Gen begins to notice the small changes that afflict her best friend...

She has a beauty mark below her right eye.




Genevoise DuPont is a bundle of energy and nerves that absolutely cannot be contained.

An emotional and exciteable human being, Gen has a tendency to go from zero to sixity in a nano-second over the simpliest things. She craves adventure and excitement wherever she can find it, and if it keeps her active and awake then she'll do it without question. 

She loves all things fun and reckless, and is a powerful force to be reckoned wtih. She's overwhelming by nature, and her desire to do rather than to stand by is so immense that its hard not to be bowled over by her drive. She will never be empty, nor will she ever be full, she will constantly search for any form of entertainment in order to sate her bordem. This can be seen as a bad thing, and it makes her flakey when it comes to relationships, but if you're a person who will never bore her--you're her soulmate.

Gen cares deeply for the people she loves. She cares immensely for Penny, for her girlfriend Kina, for her family, and would do anything to help them. She's exceedingly empathetic and cries easily, even if the event has nothing to do with her life she will find herself in tears. To stave off these feelings of sadness, Gen will do anything to help herself and others feel better--even if its undesired.

The Royal Murders have made the entire city incredibly nervous. Gen is not exempt from this, and the raising stakes have made her desperate for company. She seeks emotional shelter with her best friend Penny LeClair, yet the more she visits the more Gen begins to notice small discrepincies that she can't help but realize. This is her best friend, after all! Gen would notice a change. It's for this reason that Gen is confronted, and how she's dragged into a dangerous mystery she has no business getting involved in...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Gen seeks excitement and danger wherever she goes, and she'll do whatever it takes to get it. Whether it be to find out the truth, or to get someone to like her, she's seemingly an unstoppable force that cannot be tamed or lead astray. If it promises some for of excitement, Gen will put her all into it, and you best move out of the way before you get hurt.

But alas, poor Genevoise is just one person. One horribly, regular person... 


Bonus Facts:


- Gen met Penny in middle-school, and the two have been close friends ever since! They bonded both over their love of dance and music, and have since remained incredibly close. Gen views her as a sister, and would fight tooth and nail to protect her.

- When she was younger, Gen was arrested for something she does not want to reveal. She did a little stint in jail for it. Ever since then, Gen's been sure to steer clear of that witch Kip Vanida...

- She is a closet (not so closet) follower of the mysterious and miraculous Detective Nickel. She reads about all his adventures in the papers, and sometimes cuts them out of the paper in order to keep them forever. She's a huge fan of his, and would love to meet him someday.