Zeru's Comments

Gotchu back huehue


WHAT !! THIS IS SO SILLY OMG!! You didn’t have to omg,, I’m just glad to have made your day! But I love this so much aa THANK YOU!! <3

I hope he gets 1051 beatings

the new ref looks so cool choza i heart ur art <333

Omg irl thanking you

I want fan service

I want bikini on this ugly fat

This u?


Omg das him teehee


Zeru more like

Mor elike zero bitches

i’m sosorry i love zeru

You tried very much

I did i did

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Beats you up more

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Real clothings hours yesyes

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Omg Zeru is back!

Time to draw 🏃‍♀️

Fights you🍤

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