TBN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

YuuKitsunee Global Rules

2024 UPDATE: Removing trading+resell restrictions. Updating the gift rule to make if less rectricted.


  • You may edit my art if the character belong to you without asking

  • You may do any changes on the design (specie, gender, outfit...) as long as your credit me for the original the creator.

  • If a design belong to a CS, you must follow the CS rules. 
    • If the CS allow full redesigns, you don't need to credit me for the actual design. 


  • You are free to resell, trading or gifting my designs without restrictions.
    EXCEPT if you got a design from me as a gift: 
    • You can only gift it until you add extra art (personal art okay). Once you add art to their gallery, there don't have any restriccitions.

  • If you giving a design to a user who does not have a toyhou.se profile, please let me know so I can keep a trait of my designs.


  • You can use my designs for commercial use as long as you credit me. Just let me know about it beforehand.