


3 years, 11 months ago



- savage classy bougie ratchet

- dependable and loyal

- very gentle, though occasionally sarcastic its all in good fun

- great listener

- will take you out to eat if youre sad

- always taking naps

- easily saddened

- jealousy issues, but shes working on it

- not very confrontational

- cries when angry

- stress response: flight

- just wants to be held by the waist under the moonlight

- diagnosed bpd + depression

- always fashionably late

- loves minerals/gemstones, snow/the cold, blueberry lemonade, whip cream, salmon, white chocolate, calligraphy, glass pens, babysitting, potpourri/scented candles (mainly floral scents)

- favorite colors: red, purple, blue

- favorite food: macarons

- dislikes math, toads, humid days, dark chocolate, the smell of smoke, very salty foods, rollercoasters, neon colors, bright lights

- wears a lot of floral prints, often has a coat on

- collects pens

- high school was the worst years of her life

- lesbian, big soft spot for futches

- would love to have kids of her own sometime