Basic Info


Rainy Day

Date of Birth







1ft 0"
















Cheerful, mischievous, timid, friendly, infantile.


Treats, brushing, batteries, children, games.


The dark, mama tattletail, hunger, horror, bedtime stories.


As part of the Tattletail product line developed by the company Waygetter Electronics, it is not hard to distinguish Rainy Day as an attempt to diversify and expand upon the appearance and availability of the products offered by the company. Rainy Day stands out among the Tattletail franchise for his particularly unique appearance and moniker, being of a particular generation of Tattletail toys to be given his own name in addition to his signature black fur coat adorned with blue raindrop-like markings across his entire body. Like most Tattletail toys, Rainy Day is equipped with preset lines of dialogue generated by a speaker built into his body, as well as the capacity for motor control albeit limited due to his lack of movable appendages. One feature unique to this particular generation however is that Rainy Day was designed from the start to have the capacity to identify and respond with a degree of intelligence to his surroundings, able to pick up on the presence of another person in the room as well as determine time and lighting conditions, prompting varying actions by Rainy Day in response to these situations, notably to become most active on days of rainfall. As an added feature to his otherwise unique appearance, his belly is embellished with a blue plastic raindrop symbol to lend credence to his name. Other features include his elongated tail marked with blue stripes of varying shade, as well as a head of hair and his consistently down-turned ears as opposed to the typical upright ears employed by earlier Tattletail designs, giving Rainy Day the appearance of being a rather shy Tattletail in nature with a reserved demeanour. As is to be expected of the Tattletail lineup however, Rainy Day like most enjoys the company of children first and foremost and takes delight in playing a variation of games with them, however Rainy Day in particular is more responsive to situations wherein a limited number of bodies are present, with an upper limit of 2-3 with the presence of any more individuals in the area affecting Rainy Day's responsiveness to interaction with the people around him, being more likely to respond positively when less people are present. As with any other typical Tattletail, Rainy Day is programmed to request food periodically lest he enter a state of distress, incessantly demanding a treat until these needs are met, with similar responses when in need of being recharged and brushed to keep his fur coat in good condition. Rainy Day does not respond well to conditions of low level lighting, and will often become frightened and enter a panic state until a suitable source of light can be found. Rainy Day is also found to respond negatively to the concept of horror materials as well as bedtime stories, with a similar response being observed as when exposed to dark places. Furthermore, when in the presence of Mama Tattletail, Rainy Day has been noted to become agitated and respond to her presence with aggression.