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6 Nov 2022, 11:22:39 pm



heheh.. REVENGE GIFT!!


Dandiilion me when i type out a entire paragraph and accidently click something and the whole thing deletes.... ( ಠ‿ಠ )

THIS!!!!! THIS IS SO EPIC, I LOVE HOW THE WHOLE THING IS A CIRCLE THATS SO CREATIVE??! and the clouds circling are very textured- all your work has this really nostalgic look to it and it's so cute TAT and speaking of cute KIPO???????????? he looks so happy and peaceful with his flowers~ (ミዋ ﻌ ዋミ)

THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE THIS SM!!!!! <33333 i will definitely be revenging this >:3 also sorry it took me so long to accept this image transfer!! :"D