ARCADE👾ERR0R's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Fixer Global Rules


> Designs I make can be traded should you wish. You don't have to inform me of the new owner but it is appreciated :)
     > See below for extra trade rules.

> DO NOT sell them if I gave it to you for free. (I.E. Design thread, Giveaway, etc)
      > Also, DO NOT use my free designs just to immediately flip them for a trade. You may trade a free design if there is art added in value (drawn by yourself or others.)

> If you bought it, don't sell it for more than what you gave me UNLESS it comes with extra art (extra money = whatever the art you bought was worth). Do not sell characters which have never been sold for money (Trade only stays trade only)

>DO NOT use slurs or gross language if you're using one of my designs to create a character (i.e, don't call them a trap, sh*ta, l*li...) and just don't do nasty stuff w/ it please... that's all i ask :( 

> If you now rightfully own a design made by me, feel free to make changes to it, but it's preferable if you kept it somewhat recognizable to the original design! 

If you don't follow these i will be :'[ face (and probs have to privately blacklist you) !!!