Cody Omar



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Coco (Mira, Jade) C-Man (Kim, Drake)


Human (Mutant)

Mutant Ability

Unknown! But he was cast out of the city, so he /must/ have something...


June 24th








A member of the Adela Mutant Group: a travelling band of castaways that seek isolated mutants in order to give them a home. Adopted by Jade Adela and Mira Valerius when he was a year old, Cody grew up in the group, unsure of what is ability could possibly be...






Adventuring, dogs, sand, planes, the ocean, swimming


Sitting still, basic hygiene, learning (hates school), making mistakes, disappointing his moms.


In a post-Robotic Revolution world, humans will do whatever they must in order to save their species. So wrought with paranoia, they cast out their own kind--the mutants--and forced them to live in the wastelands from which humanity had just emerged decades earlier. Over the years, tensions have grown between the two groups. One extreme fights for revenge, the other extreme fights for "confirmed safety". These idea's lead to extremes, and most all, they lead to action.

Eight years ago, Jade Adela and Mira Valerius began the Adela Mutant Group, a safe haven for abandoned mutants of which no one else would have. On one of their first scouts of the border between humanity and mutant-kind, both Jade and Mira discovered something absolutely heinous. A young, year old infant boy, crying in the sand, abandoned, and left to die in wasteland. There was nothing on his person by his clothes, and a name tag fashioned to his shirt: Cody Omar. Since that day, Cody has grown into a adventurous and free-spirited boy, but one mystery plagues him and his two guardian moms...what exactly was Cody cast out for?

Physical Description:

Cody is a small boy with a smaller build for his age. He often gets into trouble, so he's got a lot of bandages on his limbs--one is smack dab on his face!

He has short black hair that goes out toward one side, and deep blue eyes. He is of unknown racial background.

Cody's ability is an absolute mystery. Since taking him in from outside the walls of the human sanctuary, Cody's power has never manifested once. He has grown up a perfectly normal, seemingly human boy amongst hundreds of mutants. Surely, he must have something! He was cast out, after all, and at such a young age too! For someone to take a literal baby and literally discard them into the desert to die, they either must have been completely heartless or incredibly scared of what this child could do. Cody is too young to remember anything he could have possibly done, and he himself has no idea what his ability is. He just knows he has one, and that after years or trying to find out what it is his parents have come up with nothing. Of course, this doesn't meant Cody has stopped trying to figure it out himself...

He has a backpack he brings with him wherever he goes, and he tends to go a lot. Cody likes to wander, and always packs supplies (that he steals from the group horde). He's got food, water, tents, extra clothes for Ray, everything he could need!


Most kids are a handful. This is just common, basic fact. Kids are lovely, but they constantly seem to throw themselves into danger. As a parent, you do whatever you can to keep them safe, but some just never seem to learn! Cody is one of these children. Cody never learns, and Cody is a bundle of pent-up energy ready to explode.

Adventurous and lively, Cody has a wanderlust that can't be tamed. He loves to explore, and he'll take any time to escape and do so at any opportunity. He's done it so much that his mothers had to give him a bodyguard to watch him, because he at least needs some sort of supervision if he's going to go out into the desert for hours on end. His mother's know full well they can't really stop him at this point in time. He'd just be miserable. Cody's got to be free; he's gotta be out there; he's gotta see it all!

Cody's enthusiasm is downright exhausting, and he's got a curiosity that knows little tact. He's constantly asking questions, always moving, and he is as excitable as any child times ten. His mom's don't think he's ever been grounded in his life! Since the day they found him, everything about him has been dramatic, and they love every second of it. Cody is loved by almost everyone in the Adela Group not only because he's the son of the two leaders, but because he's a downright adorable kid. He constantly wants to help, constantly wants to work, and if things go wrong he may not really understand at first but he'll want to find some way to cheer you up!

Although, because he's never grounded, it means that Cody is in his own little world. He's got Mira's optimism, that's for sure, but someone Cody sees the world for what it could be--rather than what it is. He's been sheltered from most of the mutant on mutant/mutant on human violence in the wasteland, and Ray usually ushers him back if they think he's going too far. He's idealistic and impatient, coming at every problem with a child’s point of view. He's yet to really comprehend that the wasteland isn't...the best place to live.

Cody is in a strange predicament. They say he is a mutant, but Cody has no idea what his power is or what it could be. His moms have been getting extra stressed lately, a mysterious man with no mouth just joined the group, and that scary Pending lady has started to become more and more nasty. It feels like everything is boiling to a point that Cody can't comprehend, and he's confused by the stress that’s live throughout the group. It's only going to get worse, because little does he know, someone very important is looking for him...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Cody is so young, he doesn't have much to add to his arsenal as of yet. He's a scrappy kid, and agile for his age. Ray is constantly around him, and has a fast and easy way of getting Cody out of harm. He's been watching Drake and some other cool people in camp, and is trying to teach himself how to use a dagger. He stole one from group's armory--don't tell anyone though.

When you're so young, and so sheltered, you can be so easily taken advantage of. You can be so easily shaken, so ill-prepared for disaster. Cody really shouldn't wander so far away from home in the first place. Sure, he has Ray with him, but what if something happened to Ray? Then what would Cody do? What could Cody do, if he suddenly came face to face with a dangerous mutant? A dangerous human? How badly would his world shatter? He should stop looking for adventure, his curiosity will take him to places he's not ready to go to.

Bonus Facts:

- Cody idolizes Drake Seiyer. He thinks Drake is so cool! Not only because he's part weird scaled beast, but because of his attitude! He's so cool, just like action heroes he's heard about! He maybe looks up to Drake a little too much.

- Has a dream to learn every single language in the world! He's still getting the hang of English, but he dreams big.

- Doesn't like to break things! Whenever he does, he tries to hide the fact that he did it, maybe piece together what he broke? Make a new one?