


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




The Man in the Yellow Trench Coat (Eulogy) Trench Coat Man (Greaser, Ivory (mockingly)), Vips (DJ) Vipsy (DJ)



Real Name



January 25th








An experienced special agent affiliated with a secretive organization known as the SDONE (Specialized Defenses of New Earth).






The color yellow, Old Vintage Tunes (blues, lounge, anything that is easy listening), peace and quiet, a drama-free life


Honestly, he's okay with most things? He has a distaste for apples, though.


The SDONE (Specialized Defenses of New Earth) is a top-secret government organization that specializes in cleaning up the messes the rest of the world leaves behind. With orders coming straight from one of the highest seats in the government, the organization carries out clandestine operations that must remain top-secret from the everyday public. The existence of the SDONE cannot be known to the world, in order to protect the integrity of the agency as well as the countless people who work there! The SDONE is comprised of the worlds most talented special agents, all bound to serve there, all given code-names, all sworn to secrecy.

But there is one agent, above all others, that has gained a status akin to that of a mythical being. He's a man trained by the Boss himself; he's a veteran of fifteen years, and he does all his work with an untouchable disposition that never cracks under pressure. He goes in, goes out, and completes missions that seem almost impossible in the blink of an eye. Deadly, efficient and the star of the shadowed organization, "Viper" is a model agent that everyone reveres and everyone respects. He's a star, an idol, an icon! He's the man in the yellow trench coat.

Physical Description:

Viper is a small man with a large build. It's hard to see underneath his massive trench coat, but he's well built for his abnormally small frame. You sort of have to be in his line of work.

He has short ginger hair swept to one side, and brown eyes that are so bright they're essentially amber in color. He is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian.

Viper joined the SDONE when he was eighteen years old, recruited by Boss himself (albeit, before he was "Boss"). Mentored personally by him (who was then one of the top SDONE agents period), Viper quickly gained the attention of his peers, and rose to notoriety throughout his entire organization. Fifteen years have passed since Viper joined, and he's become almost akin to a living legend among most SDONE agents. He's talked about as if he is a mythical figure, and his feats have been passed around the offices as quick as candy. He's more an ideal than he is a man, now--which i'm sure is how he'd prefer it. But to prefer something, he'd have to feel something...

Viper has freckles, which are collected around his face, neck and arms/shoulders. He often wears thick, dark sunglasses so that no one can see his eyes. This is mostly done to mask his face, and hide any expression from other people.


Viper's "personality" is one that has been all but erased. For reasons unknown to anyone, Viper is almost a complete blank slate. He feels nothing, reacts to nothing, and his nature is borderline inhuman at times--he's been compared to machine more than a hundred times in his career. There's a hole where his emotions should be; there's nothing there. Maybe there never was anything there. That makes work easier.

A stoic, straight-shooter, Viper is a brick wall. Nothing surprises him, nothing excites him, and even the most traumatic of missions could come off as just another Tuesday for him. Despite his short stature, he is an undeniably intimidating presence and to even talk with him could be one of the most nerve-wracking things to a rookie agent. He never beats around the bush, means what he says, and speaks his mind whenever he feels it is right. However, just because his emotions are almost non-existent, does not mean that he lacks tact. It appears that Viper is more "in touch" than he looks with the concept of emotion...he'd never admit that though. He probably doesn't even realize it himself.

He socializes little, and never leaves his living quarters unless ordered to by Boss. He seeks no joy, he seeks nothing to stimulate him, he simply stays in his room and listens to old music--reading newspapers. He does what he needs to do, of course! He eats, he works out, he showers, he sleeps, like any other human being. But he has no friends, he cannot hold a conversation and does not seem to care to, he avoids social gatherings and even so--it's not like he'd have a "good time". To have a good time would mean he'd have to have fun, to feel something, and that is something Viper will simply never allow himself to feel. He just can't.

That complex of his is something that has perplexed even Boss, Viper's closest "friend". For whatever reason, Viper shuts out all emotion--not out of a mental inability, but because of an iron will. It's unknown why he does this; he'd never reveal it or even admit it was something he was doing. Viper has only really let two people "in" his entire life, and even then, they didn't see much. Viper's walls are so strong they may as well be the walls to a dam. But, even dam's get cracks every now and then.... don’t they?

These walls will be tested in the upcoming days, weeks, months, however long it takes to keep a dangerous device away from a mysterious agency that seems to read the SDONE's every move. At every turn, Viper finds himself met, challenged, ambushed, only to find out that the leader of their mysterious enemy not only wants the pieces to the world’s most dangerous devices...but Viper himself as well. Viper can only wonder why he matters so much...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Viper is an experienced special agent, and has been at the top of his game for years--without any sign of slowing down. He is fast, quick-on-his-feet, stealthy, cool-headed and a calculated planner. He has been at this game for a long time, and has hardened himself to most combat and trauma. Nothing seems to affect him, nothing seems to slow him down. He's a terrifying foe to face, because nothing rattles him--you never know what he's thinking or what he's planning. He gets in, gets out, and gets the job done.

But Viper's lack of empathy and emotion has stabbed him in the back a few times, and the time it has scarred him more than anything else. Sometimes he doesn't take something as seriously as he should, doesn't react as urgently, doesn't move fast enough, isn't in tune enough with his emotions to recognize possible danger. In repressing his emotions, he overlooks much, and the end result has left man good people hurt. Viper used to not care about who was hurt, whether they be allies or enemies. But now that he recognizes the value of fellow’s the aftermath of disaster that trips him up the most. He doesn't communicate it well at all, but he thinks it's better he be alone.

Bonus Facts:

- Viper grew up deep in the heart of the NE Equivalent of the south (somewhere west of Holloway City, most likely). When Viper joined the SDONE all those years ago, his accent was thick and hard to miss. However, over the years he has repressed it, and now it is almost completely gone. The only time his accent slips is when his "facade" slips as well--and even then, it's not much. It's one of Viper's only tells, and only Boss really understands it.

- His favorite color is yellow, and it is always on his person. This did not always use to be the case, however. It was only when Viper started working with a certain young woman that he started to appreciate the color.

- Only Boss knows his real name. Compared to other agents, Viper is particularly secretive with his, and the only reason Boss even knows is because he was Viper's mentor! When they're alone in Boss' office together, the old man refers to Viper strictly by his real name.