David Crawford



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Dave (Eve) Crawford (Cian, Luke), The Man Who Sold The World (everyone)



Home Sector

Sector A (confined there in a maximum security prison, built just for him)


March 12th








David used his money and familial prestige to gain the political system. In doing so, he became the Leader of the Free World, just because he could. This turned out well (read: no it didn't) and after selling the world to his Aquidicite visitors, he now sits in a prison cell meant specifically to hold him.






Puns and other forms of awful jokes, pop-punk, money, socializing, adrenaline, the sound of his own voice, making others uncomfortable and messing with them


Guns, perceptive people, being read, people who don't listen/are sick of his games, being quiet for more than five minutes, thinking, doing what he's told.


After the First Awakening, the state of New Earth was left in more disarray than it had been previously. The war between humans and mutants hadn't lasted long, only a few years, but the causalities were immense among both sides. Humans had won, but the world itself had lost. For years after the end of the First Awakening, the countries and power structures on New Earth continued to flounder in continual chaos. Leaders had died, countries had fallen, the world was changed and twenty-five years still was not a enough to restore it to "normal"--whatever that may be. Relations still remained strained, power could be bought, and even a complete idiot could bring the world under his control.

After the death of his father, Daniel Crawford, his son David Crawford wasted no time driving his family's good name into the ground. The only child of two war heroes, David Crawford used his family's popularity and massive amounts of financial bribery in order to make his way to the top of the political ladder. Why? Just because he could. David Crawford gained the system until he was the Leader of the Free World, the man in ultimate power (all acquired through monetary transactions and not by the will of the people). When the Aquidicites came to New Earth seeking assistance, David Crawford went alone to converse with the alien ambassador. When he returned, he revealed that he'd sold the Aquidicites the world, and stepped away--leaving the entire world at the mercy of their soon-to-be invaders...But, that was two years ago. Prison has changed David. He's had a lot of time to think, to actually reflect on his life...and now he knows what he must do! He must set things right; he must end this invasion; he must save the world. 

Physical Description:

David is a tall man with a build as thin as a rail. It's honestly alarming how skinny he is, and even before he was imprisoned his weight was average at best. He's exceedingly breakable.

He has shaggy, untamable black hair and green eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian.

David lives in Sector A...but not of his own choosing. After selling the world to the Aquidicites, the new alien visitors quickly began to spread--taking over the world and enslaving all of humanity. In the first few weeks of the invasion, David attempted to run...but was caught not far from the capital by a newly promoted Cian Moloney. Feeling indebted to David for his stupid (yet inevitable) deal, the Aquidicites chose to build a prison specifically to house him, and imprisoned him in the heart of one of their new cities. David's whole existence is now spent behind bars...but he's crafty...he'll find a way out.

Prison hasn't been too kind to him, and David has been subject to abuse and neglect by the human patrons allowed to work there. He is scarred up, and hasn't gotten much sleep in the two years he's spent behind bars. He's had a lot of time to think...he hates thinking.


Many have tried to describe David Crawford, but he is a man who is impossible to explain. His actions are rash, and it's hard to believe that he is even real. He's been called "obnoxious", "conceited", "unbearable", "insufferable", and, most often, "annoying". All are true. Really, it's all true. David Crawford is all of these things at once, and now he's on the loose...

Cocky and reckless, David Crawford is a hard person to like--let alone be friends with. He's rude, he's brash, he's uncaring, he's loud, and he most certainly doesn't care about what you think. He's a motor-mouth who never shuts his gob, even when he really should, and this little "gift of gab" has gotten him punched so many times it's a wonder he's even still alive. He invokes ire with everything he says, all for the purpose of amusing himself. He never takes anything seriously. Smug 24/7, he deflects all serious conversations and replaces them with humor, which he will force if need be. He goes through life with an uncaring, cocky grin, and outright doesn't seem to care about the effects of his actions. As long as what he does makes him feel good, he couldn't care less.

He's obnoxiously confident, and picks fights constantly. Despite this nihilistic, never-care, attitude of his, he is at least cognizant enough to be aware of his current position. He always speaks whats on his mind, regardless of tact, but at least he knows when he's pissing someone off. Sometimes, he even cares enough to try and talk himself out of pressing further! He's aware that 99.99% of the world hates him, he's aware he shouldn't be showing his face, he's aware of it all--but God it's so boring being undercover. He doesn't want to be still, he doesn't want to not talk...then he'll have to think, and God does he hate thinking...

David is constantly joking, constantly deflecting, always staying active...all to prevent his world from falling silent. He acts out and purposefully goads people to try and distract himself from his failing mental health. If he ignores it enough and pours all his energy into making himself laugh, then surely it'll go away! David does everything in his power to prevent his depression and traumas from creeping up on him because they make him "feel off", in his own words. If he avoids reflecting on all the bad things in life, he'll never feel bad! It's that simple! It's worked so far; so what if it hurts him? He doesn't care about himself, deep down he outright hates himself, but he'll never admit that! To think about that would mean he'd  feel "off", and he'll do one outrageous thing after another to keep himself from feeling that way.

In spite of everything, in spite of all his flaws, David Crawford has changed...somewhat. After spending two years imprisoned; hearing about all the suffering on the outside; knowing full well that he alone caused this to occur...it's hard not to feel off with all that on your shoulders. The weight becomes so immense, it's impossible to ignore! He's got to do something; he's got to repent for his mistakes--anything to stop this guilt that's slowly killing him! David Crawford may be the man who sold the world, but he'll be the one to save it too! He's got a plan...he hopes it works.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

David is a man on...little strengths. Let's face it, this man is a total screw-up. The only thing that David has that may be worth keeping around is his quick-witted mind, and his ability to think fast on his feet without hesitation. He isn't afraid to do anything, and will do whatever you tell him to if it gives him a little kick of adrenaline. He's got a photographic memory, which has come in handy to help him escape from prison--maybe he can use it for more things? It's unlikely. He acts like he's the full package...and well... at least he's confident. Stupid, but confident.

What is David weak at? Everything. He's a horrible. He has absolutely no filler, and will burn bridges just because he can. He doesn't know when to shut up, and he pays for it dearly every moment he speaks. He's not strong, he's not fast, he goes down easy, and he's got a very volatile phobia of guns that turns him into a genuine coward. All his gusto disappears, and he becomes a shriveling child hiding behind whatever he can. His hubris is gigantic, and he never thinks things through. He's just a fool, a genuine, certified fool.

Bonus Facts:

- Has had a crush on Eve ever since they were kids, but lost touch with her after high-school. The separation deeply hurt David (although he'd never admit it) and in response he became promiscuous in college (before getting kicked out) and in his adult years leading up to the invasion/he subsequent prison years.

- Went through an intense scene phase in his middle school years. 

- Has a photographic memory! Before the invasion, he mostly only used it for...unsavory things. However, when he's breaking out of prison, it actually becomes quite useful.