


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Doll come to life


Female presenting


Aromantic Asexual


15 (alive for 2)


Winafred is very... curt. To the point that it seems rude. Please excuse her for not knowing the nuances of communication; she hasn't been alive very long. However, she does seem to understand sarcasm pretty well... It's her favorite way of speaking and sometimes she can be spotted stifling a laugh when someone falls for her sarcasm. Her underdeveloped vocal range that results in a monotone voice doesn't help matters of figuring out how she's feeling. In reality, she's pretty friendly and caring, but not very good at expressing it at all. People always misinterpret her as cold, but that's okay; someone else will come along that understands finally.



"My creator gave me the name Winafred and I would appreciate if you'd call me that." Said in a way that she hopes to be informative and helpful, but sounds more condescending and uptight


Bio-Winafred was the last doll made by the village's old dollmaker. His shaking hands resulted in some small mistakes--a chip here, a tear there--but she loved him nonetheless and appreciated the body he gave her. She adored watching him go about his daily life and listening to him tell her about his outings. She was never able to tell him all this though. After he became bedridden, Winafred was taken away and passed from hand to hand.

Little kids were too rough, always leaving her with ever more scrapes. Old men and women were nice, but they left her on shelves to collect dust. She wasn't ever able to speak up for herself, or even consider the idea of doing so, until an odd wizard took her in. Maybe the wizard had cast a spell, or maybe it was some stray magic in the air. Either way, Winafred slowly gained movement in her limbs.

The wizard didn't keep her around for very long after that. He helped her get her bearings and then dropped her off in front of a mansion. The nice people inside accepted, even welcomed her happily into their home. This is her current place of residence and she's happy with it.


Facts-She really wishes she could sing, but she doesn't have the vocal range for it at all.
-She is still able to go super long periods without moving so that she's still like a doll (this includes not blinking).
-She doesn't need to eat.
-When everybody is asleep, occasionally Winafred will wander the mansion by herself; it's so large that she never feels like she's done exploring. She has scared a couple people while doing this though.


"There, don't you look nice now, Winny," the wizard patted down the ribbon of her cloak and smiled at her nicely.

She didn't have the heart to tell him again that she would like to be called by her "actual" name. Instead, she attempted to smile at him; it was very small because using the newlyfound muscles in her face felt weird--there were so many of them considering she used to have just a hinge for a jaw!

The wizard watched Winafred for a little longer, and she made herself blink slowly to assure him her mind was still present. He nodded once and swiftly reached out to use the large knocker on the mansion door. It seemed as though he had resigned himself to do something and was planning to do it before he could stop himself.

"Just... stay here would you?"

Winafred realized she had been staring at the door and turned herself to face the man. His hand was shaking ever so slightly. She could only tell this fact because the lacey umbrella he had clasped in his hand shivered a tiny bit as he handed it to her. Her hand naturally opened and closed around the handle. It was a perfect fit as always; of course, it was made for her after all.

Clearly bothered in some way, the wizard left very quickly. Winafred stayed because she was a good girl, but she watched his retreating back anyway, robes swaying gently back and forth despite his quick pace.

A wind started up and Winafred’s grip tightened the tiniest amount on the umbrella to try and steady it. It was as much as she could do with her small grip strength and she feared it would fly away in what appeared to be an oncoming storm. Luckily, the sound of the door opening saved her.

“Sugar, what are you doing out there?” A man dressed in a prim blue butler outfit reached out to usher her in, so she followed with small shuffling steps. “May I?” He reached for the umbrella in her hand and she easily let go. With precise and quick movements, he closed it up and placed it in an umbrella container. She turned to look at the container, still processing apparently.

The man was already halfway down the hall when he called out to Winafred. “Come along then! There’s a phone you can call home with just around the corner!” He smiled reassuringly at her, but it was different from the ones she got from others. She couldn’t quite place it… yes, he was happy, but there seemed to be something… evil in his eyes?

She realized what it was when she rounded the corner and got drenched in a bucket of water. Mischievous. He was laughing. She frowned at him.

“Oh, come on, dear! I expected a glare at least!” The man was still grinning at her and she wasn’t sure how to feel. On one hand, she liked when people smiled. On the other hand, being wet sucked. He sighed a little when she didn’t react. “I’ll get you a change of clothes, okay? You can call home while you wait.”

Winafred noticed he was about to leave, so she reached out to grip his sleeve beore he could. She shook her head once. “You don’t want me to leave?” She nodded. “Are you afraid?” She shook her head again. “Do you not want a change of clothes?” Shake. “Can you speak?” She thought for a bit. Shake. “I can call for you, I suppose-” She tugs violently at his sleeve this time. “Okay, really, what do you want me to do?”

“No. Home.” Winafred’s voice makes her cringe. It’s creaky and unused.

“You don’t have a home to call…” She nods this time and he finally understands. “Listen, I’m Olly, and you can definitely trust me… despite what happened only two minutes ago. I’m going to go talk to the master and see what we can do.”

Turns out the master was incredibly understanding and even tried to wrap her in a hug. She had a feeling they didn’t know she was formerly a doll, but she had plenty of time to tell them later. It seemed like the master really wanted her around for some reason at any rate, so stay she did.

Waiting… Always waiting for people to come home. Neither the dollmaker nor the wizard ever showed up again, but at least Winafred could always depend on Olly to attempt pranks on her and Olly's master to help her clean up afterwards.