


7 years, 3 months ago



*sigh* How could you NOT be interested in history? That just really proves only one of us is smart here...me! :D

Dallas is a munchkin snow leopard, and a far descendant of old rulers of the kingdom, her family is now one of the most succesful and influencial rich people. Dallas is really interested in the past, and is upset that her family no longer holds the power, because sht thinks they would easily lead the nation to power. She is still pretty young, a teenager. She is paranoid, as recently a lot of rare and special animals have dissapeared without a trace, and her rare breed and mutation could make her a next target, so she stays near Clara.

a lot recently, since she is a good fighter with quick thinking Dallas they make a good team 3113425_qHev6VQmAXUAimL.png?1515383370

Dallas has a passion for weapons and history, she could talk for ages about some old weapon from 90 years ago and no one can stop her. Most of her role models are long dead generals and tacticians. Also yes she knows how to use a gun, she also carries a knife around "in case"