Ellie (Courier 6)



3 years, 8 months ago


Ellie is my wildcard ending FNV oc. Grew up on the border of what used to be Texas and Louisiana with her uncles who ran a small caravan company. She is very plucky and cunning, not to mention a serial flirt. Despite her apparent carefree demeanor most of the time, she's not afraid to dirty her own hands to get her goals accomplished. The wasteland has chewed her up and spit her back out many times, but she's still standing.

Notable features:

  • Amber eyes, uneven pupils due to head trauma. When feeling strong emotions, stress, or pain the size difference becomes more drastic.
  • Missing part of left pinky (Omertas) 
  • Huge scar across midsection (Deathclaw)
  • Bullet wound in head (Benny)
  • Bullet wounds in leg (Raiders) 
  • Scar on left shoulder (Legion Assassin) 
  • Wiry muscles, she isn't very beefy because of her bad dietary habits but can definitely hold her own in combat. 
  • 5'5" 
  • Used to keep the bullet wound on her head covered but as time progressed, she stopped caring about people seeing it. 
  • Notch in right ear

Thoughts on factions: 

  • Ceasar's Legion: Target practice. 
  • NCR: Thinks they have good points, but should keep their noses out of New Vegas business. They are biting off more than they can chew by trying to annex new territory. Would be willing to form an alliance but doubts they would be willing to. 
  • Mr. House: Powerful, but too powerful. His detachment from humanity and his apathetic demeanor rubs her the wrong way. She does not want to follow his orders.  
  • The Chairmen: Despite their leader being the one to shoot her in the head, she still thinks they're the most reasonable family on the strip. Wanted revenge, but realized that Benny would make a better pawn than he would as gecko bait. Still, she lets him know he is very replaceable so he better not get any funny ideas again. 
  • The Ultra Luxe: The mixture of pompous elitism and cannibalism doesn't sit right with her, does not like interacting with them much. But still not her least favorite family on the strip somehow.
  • Omertas: Scum. Before rising to power, she got mixed up with them and Nero took her left pinky as a token. Hates what they do to their workers and their Legion ties. Plans to wipe them out as fast as she possibly can without disrupting the power balance in Vegas too much. 
  • BOS: Sees them as useful, but very closed off. Would like to attempt an alliance in the future if possible.