
3 years, 8 months ago


Full name                    Whisp

ID Number                  09182001

Classification            SH

Date of Birth              September 18th, 2001 

Age                                19

Gender                          Male (cis) 

Zodiac                            Virgo 

Height                            7'0" 

Species                         Mothman 

Birthplace                     America 

Sexuality                       Gay

Likes                                ---

Dislikes                           ---

Fears                               ---

Personality                    ---

History                            Whisp was left abandoned in the woods as a young child, where he was found by a couple who would take him in and raise him as their own. Whisp was lucky to find that his small community was actually very accepting of him, and he participated in society there just like any human child would have- he was able to go in public without concern for his safety, he was good friends with many of the people in his hometown, he even attended a normal public school with human children. However, although Whisp loved his human friends and family, he still felt alone, being the only monster in his hometown. When Whisp turned 18, he decided he would set out into the wider world and find other monsters who he could bond with and who would understand the struggles that he faced that his human relations could simply never understand. In his travels, he eventually discovered the Grimoire Foundation and has made himself a cozy set up within their facility, which he has come to consider his home. 


  • Whisp claims to have no relation to the famed West Virginia cryptid 
  • Having been raised by humans and so openly accepted by his community, he speaks English and understands human customs very well