Lotti Caffè



3 years, 7 months ago


the wannabe assistant 03/12/XX
Lotti Caffè
Aliases: N/A
Nickname: N/A
Gender: M | F | X | / she/her
Age: 19
Species: Humanoid - flying elephant
Occupation: Server at The Count of Macchiato Cafe
Residence: Neo Oldesville
Height: 5'0" / 152.4 cm
Classification citizen / criminal
Etc: Main theme
. (Theme plays on page)
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Lotti is the first thing you encounter when entering The Count of Macchiato Cafe, and for good reasons! She's got a wonderfully friendly deposition and sweet smile, making you feel welcomed and warmed the moment you step inside the cafe/book store. She makes it her pride and joy to help every customer to the fullest of her abilities, even taking on more than one person could normally handle so that Jeb, the owner of the cafe, doesn't have to have a panic attack trying to interact with customers. [Poor guy]. The two seem to be a matched made like that, her peppy and up beat attitude perfect for helping customers and his logical, calculating mind for booking keeping and the more nitty gritty parts of running a business.

By becoming a regular, like I have, she opens up a bit more, showing her more spunky and even some what childish side under all her professionalism. In truth she's just a kid anyway, so it makes sense she'd be as overly excitable as she is. She takes great interest in my cases even - a little too much if you ask me. More often than not I have to request my latte art to go if the cafe is quiet or else risk having noisy-nancy here ask me a million questions about any open, or even past, investigations. She definitely sees herself as my assistant-in-training, of which she is not, but she can be quite helpful so I do go to her occasionally for things. She knows she's not actually my assistant though [...at least I hope she does...] I just wish she's calm down when talk and stop trying to finish all my sentences for me.

Probably the most helpful thing she does is just by simply being a friend. She, and even Jeb, are some of the few people in town since I set up shop I can actively say are my friends.


Physical Notes
No pupils. Her eyes are basically just large black ovals.
Exactly 3 eye lashes on either eye. No more, no less.
The blue swirls on her cheeks are not make up but actually a part of her skin.
Her ears are the wings on her head. There is nothing under them and they can move slightly to emphasis her emotions.
The wings on her back are actual wings, but they don't move much. She cannot fly with them, but can hover a little if she really works them hard. Usually they just help emphasis her emotions.
Personality/Character Notes
  • Loves to roller skate. Sometimes she can be caught wearing her skates even in work, but I don't think Jeb minds as long as she never crashes into customers.
  • Adores all things chocolate. Doesn't eat much though.
  • Reads all of my cases, even ones still locked up in my safe. I've caught her a few times sneaking into my files in my office...
  • Very popular. She's friends, or at least good accquanitinces, with a large crowd in town.
  • Helps baby sit Blossom. The two get along famously, but also tend to end up migrating from the cafe downstairs and into my office pretty quickly. They leave a wake of crayon drawings, candy wrappers, and toys where ever they go.
  • Surprisingly strong. Especially in how sturdy she is - someone could ram into her and knock the air out of themselves and she'd walk away unphased by it all.