Payton's Comments

Ope how did this end up in your hands lmao

It was a DTA from Tigress_Demon, who received it from whinxy by a forum thing.

Who I sent the character to lmaoo glad they're in your hands, pretty sure you'll do more with em ^^

I want to create a reference sheet of some sort of them but I haven't gotten around to it. I'm also still trying to figure out their anatomy in my head of the creature they are xD

I think they began as a dog, but now their design is more of a bunny-bat hence the long ears that has that pattern. If you'd like some redesigns when your own take on the character, I'd be more than happy to, since I love character designing! (I'm president of my school's club :P)

That sounds awesome of you! Yeah, maybe :D

4 Replies