


3 years, 6 months ago




 Glacile Zierro 








 3’9 (feral) || 5’2 (human) 






 November 10, 3392 


 Serene City 









Icy Trust


Red Velvet (slight robotic tone for voice box ver)









Gracile is a little grumpy at times but overall has a good heart. Glacile gets annoyed pretty quickly, especially when people are acting stupid around him or make obviously stupid decisions that affect him or his loved ones. He shows his soft side more when he’s with his loved ones. He and Lex tease each other often.

Glacile owns a restaurant with Klaire and Lex called Silver Dish. It gained their city a bit of tourists with how good their food is, and how nice their services are.


Glacile can create and manipulate ice, albeit his powers have weakened after his forehead gem was cracked.



  • He has a scar on his neck, and a tiny one on his left lip.
  • He has a skinny body.
  • There is a crack on his forehead gem after Ashe left him.



Glacile, Ice at the time, was Ashe‘s childhood best friend. He didn’t know much about Ashe’s family or even where she lived, but connected with her a lot. When Ashe left her home for reasons she didn’t tell Ice of, Ice let her and Rhen stay in his treehouse, which was a little away from his own home. Ashe didn’t want to get to know his parents and other family members, so Ice kept her secret. Everyday he’d visit Ashe and Rhen and give them everything they needed, though sometimes it was hard since his parents would constantly ask him why he needed so many things. At 15, Ice decided to leave home and stay with Ashe permanently, to make it easier since his family wouldn’t be asking him questions anymore.

The two got together for a short time, until Ashe wanted to break up due to her not having the same feelings for him anymore. Ice was upset for a while, but understood Ashe and moved on. He continued to help raise Rhen with her. When Ashe left Ice without telling him, he became really upset. He was confused, angry, and sad. He knew they weren’t dead, so why did they leave him? Did Ashe just use Glacile to help raise Rhen until he was ready to leave, or did he do something wrong? This was on his mind for the 4 years he was left alone since Ashe left.

Ice was so upset that he took his anger out when having what was supposed to be only friendly combats, and overtrained, causing his forehead gem to shatter and thus weaken his ice powers. He also changed his name from Ice to Glacile in hopes to relieve some of his past, and moved to Serene City. Despite being years, he still couldn’t shake the past off of him.


Glacile used to own a small shop in Serene City, where he mostly sold snacks there. He was known as the snappiest person in the city, and barely sold anything in his shop due to everyone preferring to avoid him. His feelings towards others were basically either “I don’t wanna get attached then have them leave me again” or “They're all liars and traitors”, so he was always angry to avoid gaining friends or because he unreasonably didn‘t like them. Over the past few years, he’s calmed down a bit. Instead of snapping at others for no reason, he’d only snap at them if they interacted with him in a way he didn’t like, though unfortunately that’s almost every interaction.

Klaire ended up talking to Glacile so much and wouldn’t leave him alone, though fortunately softening him up. She and Lex helped Glacile renovate his place, turning his shop into restaurant. Glacile had gotten better, but still refused to open up to anyone, sometimes causing him to snap at people for the smallest things even when he doesn’t mean to. With his still-lingering temper, their restaurant had a rough beginning.

Eventually, Glacile and Ashe did have closure when they met again, and found out the true reason Ashe broke up and left him. Glacile was disappointed with her, but forgave her, though rather hesitantly. He still loves Ashe as his best friend, just as when they were kids, and would do anything for her, but doesn’t have the same feelings for her anymore as when they were lovers. Getting his closure with Ashe was all Glacile needed, and eventually he grew to be much nicer to people. He realized that not everyone deserves to be mistrusted because of one person’s actions, and began trusting others, especially his friends, much more.


Glacile had lost his voice from the claws of Kaizo at 21 while he was trying to protect Lex and save Ashe, which also broke his old spike collar. He was given a voice box to help him speak, but it still left him a scar. Lex had also given him Zipher’s old bandana, in memory of him. Some time after those events, Glacile ended up crushing on Klaire, realizing how much she’s done for him for the past year. Though he wasn’t sure if he was ready for another relationship again. When Klaire confessed that she had been crushing on him for a while, Glacile felt reassured and the two ended up getting together.

At 25, in Gift, he was met with Cascade again, who was a part of the attack Kaizo did towards Glacile and his friends. He was surprised to see her, but after Nate explained that she’s changed, he gave her his forgiveness. Though it was rather awkward for him personally, since Cascade has shown jealousy towards him before, even though he barely knew her.


Klaire’s persistence and determination to become Glacile’s friend has eventually paid off, and has helped Glacile in his recovery from his past.

While Glacile will never try to replace Zipher, he does try his best to be a good brother figure to Lex. The two often mess with each other fur fun.

Glacile never thought he’d talk to Ashe again after leaving him all those years ago, but has eventually grown to forgive and forget, albeit it took him a while to fully do so.

Glacile is proud of how Rhen turned out, but hasn’t been as close to him as they used to. He was hurt to find out Rhen didn’t even remember him at first despite all Glacile’s done to help raise him, but he doesn’t blame Rhen for that as he was far too young to remember.







  • If Glacile did die instead of just losing his voice, he would have chosen to keep the scar on his mouth in the afterlife.
  • I considered making Glacile a cat but thought sticking with a fox might fit better to the whole brotherly vibe with Lex since Zipher’s a fox too.


code by icecreampizzeria