Blair Summers



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Relationship with Orville and Cobalt

He met Cobalt and Orville after he was in an incident in a raid and he needed to be treated. They took a pretty instant liking to the cheeto and decided they would share him since they both were interested in him. Blair was nervous at first around the German birds because they were scary, but he loves them both and wouldn't be happier with anybody else. Even though they can both make him very flustered with how forward they can be about certain things, he's learned to accept it. They love their buff cheetah, don't touch or mess with him they are very possesive and they wouldn't take it well if someone was looking at their Blair in a certain way. He would do anything for his birds even though he's very confused on their desire to create a zombie.


Blair Landyn Summers






160 lbs


Stormy weather, meat, working out, his group of friends (Nerd Squad), Rochelle,spending time by himself, video games, tanktops, sleeping and napping for long periods of time, Orville and Cobalt


SALAD, hot weather, racism, being sick, large crowds, salty foods, chatty people, being awkward all the time, not being able to sleep


Blair is an extremely shy and awkward person. He doesn't really open up to people, and is very hesitant to trust anyone. It's hard for him to talk to someone and if someone tries to talk to him, he sorta clams up and will just stand there awkwardly until her or the one who is talking to him wanders away...this is all depending on the person or the subject they brought up. Aside from this, Blair is very sweet and kind and once he opens up to someone, he is a person who is worthy of a good friend. Blair is sensitive to how others feel and if he feels in any way that's he has hurt your feelings- he will definitely try his best to make it better, no matter how long it takes. He can actually be very emotional and at times it can be hard for him to keep his emotions in check, there's always so much going on. Blair can get stressed out and overwhelmed pretty easily and won't be very productive in rused situtations unless there is a pland and he knows what is going on and he knows how to solve it. If provoked, Blair can actually have quite a temper when pushed to it. He doesn't take it well when he is arguing with others, or if someone disagrees him. He gets frusrated easily and even after everything has been solved and calmed down, it might take a while before he gets over it. He's a drama queen.



* Blair has electrokinesis, meaning he is able to create, shape and manipulate electricity. He is able to summon lightening and electricity in any shape or form. Blair can create balls of electricity that he is able to launch and he has the potential to call upon storm clouds that emit lightening. Having this he is unaffected by other types of electrical blasts, or at least more resistant to them. He is still learning many things and it may take some time for him to completely master every abilit, and is keen to make a few mistakes every now in then.

*Blair hates to run with is somewhat ironic since he is a cheetah. Don't blame him for being lazy. He is slow and has no where to run to.

* Rapping is very fun to him he loves it

* If he would tear tank-tops in pastel colors for the rest if his life, he would without a second thought. He loves showing and leaving his arms free, he's very proud of them. Please always let this man tear nothing but pretty tank tops.

*Blair loves the rain and stormy weather. He likes to take walks when it's raining or storming, it's very peaceful to him. One of the few things that can actually help him keep are the sounds of a storm. He sleeps like a baby when that happens.

* Blair is the master of combining words, he gives Rochelle headaches. He makes her smad. Angrustrated. Rochelle loves him though she's patient. Rochelle is like a little sister to him, he loves her very much and he wants her to always be happy.