on hold for JBArts's Comments

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You have such lovely characters but I don't think there are any that I would use BUT I do not mind putting them on hold for you at all! <3 

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OH also for the ref with a background for some reason when I upload it to TH it comes out blurry? I can send u the image properly over email or smth bc I would hate for you to not have it in its normal quality!

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Oki doki! Thanks for keeping me posted : D !

Would I have anyone in UFO for a trade + usd? 

You have such lovely characters but none that I think I’d use T^T)

Thanks for looking ♡♡

Sorry if I alr asked ( don't really remember :'D) but can I be pinged if you ever see full trade? 

I don't think I'll accept a trade without money as an add-on :(

Ah alr ill definitely come back if they're still up when I get come cash <3