Satō Tokiko



3 years, 8 months ago


Yuuei Faculty File
Satō Tokiko
Time Warp
U.A High School
April 14th
Blood Type
Karaoke, Gardening & Rom Coms
General Education Teacher

Born and raised in the rural towns of the Chiba prefecture, Satō Tokiko was raised with the ideal that the quirk does not make the man. She has held onto this since childhood, and continues to teach it to her own students at U.A High School. She did once aim to be a student at the school, to train as a hero so she could help the civilians in less populated areas. However, overuse of her quirk during the Entrance Exam led to her appendix bursting and because of the quick heroic actions of Mizushima Masaki, Tokiko was able to make it out of the exam and into hospital, saving her life. This failure led her to realise that she could never use her power to become a hero, and that there were other kids just like her out there that were being taught the opposite. From then on, Tokiko had one goal in mind: to reform future generations through teaching. She soared through high school and college, keeping in touch with Mizushima, and eventually landed her dream job: teaching General Education at U.A High School. Here, she now hopes to help her students realise that heroics is not the only way to use your quirk or to help others, even if it's more than powerful enough to do so.


Time Warp
A strange mutation of both her parents' quirks, Tokiko is able to create bubbles that, upon touching someone or something, can effect its time. Only one bubble/effect can be used at a time, limiting Tokiko's use of her quirk and forcing her to calculate ahead of time of how she should use it. She is unable to create bubbles to reverse someone's time, though it is not known if that is because it's impossible or if she just hasn't figured out how yet. This quirk also has a side effect on Tokiko's own body, so she only uses it when absolutely needed and with overseeing authority from a Pro-Hero.
  • Pause
    A bright red bubble that, upon hitting someone or something, comletely pauses them in time no matter what. Tokiko only uses this part of her quirk to aid Recovery Girl in Pausing wounds and life-threatening injuries, or Eraserhead in apprehending a difficult villain, as there is no telling when her heart, brain or lungs could be Paused.
    • Forward
      A dull green bubble that, upon hitting someone or something, fast-forwards them through time. This is the part of the quirk that caused Tokiko's appendix rupture as a teenager, and while it is far less dangerous than Pause, she only uses it when called for to avoid aging too soon (which includes getting her grading done early).

Kayama Nemuri / Midnight | Girlfriend
Tokiko and Nemuri became firm friends while working at U.A as teachers, being a couple of the only female staff members. While Nemuri always flirted, Tokiko never took it seriously as she was asexual and knew Nemuri got her fill from her many friends with benefits. Their relationship only moved forward when Nemuri came out as asexual to Tokiko and revealed that her sexual affairs were more of a hobby than persuing any attraction. They began dating, and while Tokiko has no interest in sex, she encourages Nemuri to 'get her fix' as it were, knowing that they only have feelings for each other. You can count on finding these two together in the teacher's lounge, laughing over the staff group chat or napping on the essay-covered couch.
Mizushima Masaki / Manual | Friend
Tokiko's oldest friend, Masaki was the one who rescued her from the Entrance Exam grounds when her appendix burst and thus saved her life. He visited her in hospital and the two grew close, even after Masaki rejected U.A's invitation to their Hero Course, feeling more comfortable being in a school that wasn't so much in the spotlight. After Tokiko left hospital and applied to a different high school, she and Masaki kept in contact, regaling each other with tales of their teenage woes. They've stuck together and even share a nickname that never grows old: KiKi. They don't get to see much of each other these days due to their hero/teacher responsibilities, but they catch a drink once in a blue moon and blow off steam away from everything else.
Jun Kazou / Pressure | Friend
A newer friend, but no less dear to Tokiko. Kazou joined the U.A staff after Tokiko, and she took him under his wing as his old friends, Present Mic and Eraserhead, were flooded by faculty responsibilities at the time. They had an instant chemistry, chatting and joking like old friends by the end of his first day. While their departments have almost nothing to do with each other, Tokiko and Kazou will find any excuse they can to put their classes together. While their students may groan about wasting time, they find that this unconventional teamup leads to much inspiration for both classes and pushes them to excel beyond the barriers they gave themselves.