Casimir Mening



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Casimir Allistar Mening


25 Fairy Years, 178 Human Years


Vulpixian 11/7 / 267th Autumn Moon Cycle (Usually falls on Nov 15)


5'10" without heels, 6'01" with heels


Fairy (Dreamwalker)


Cis Male (Gender Non-Conforming)


He/Him, They/Them




British, Komagian


Fairy Ambassador (Leave Me to Dream), Owner of Starpoint Bookstore (Heavenbent)


(TW: mentions of self-harm, emotional abuse, physical abuse, suicide)


Oh god this poor man. Casimir is very standoffish, anti-social, and timid. He has bad trust issues and doesn't trust anyone. He's closed himself off from the world and is only slowly growing accustomed to Komagian society. He usually has his friends speak for him, unless he's out on his own. He's pretty okay at masking when the situation calls for it, but he prefers to just sit on the sidelines and watch everything from afar instead of engaging and putting himself out there. When he does engage in conversations with someone, he tries to keep it as average and simple as possible, as he's scared of connecting with people just to be hurt again.

Casimir feels lost in life. After fleeing the Dreamplane and being hurt by his ex-boyfriend, Damien, he doesn't know what he wants to do or who he wants to be. He lives and bums around with his friend Travis and just kinda goes along with whatever he does. Travis is very social and outgoing and tries to rope Casimir into conversations, but Casimir REALLY does not want to be a part of them. Travis is really supportive and is encouraging Casimir to come out of his shell, but sometimes they butt heads because Travis has a hard time understanding how Casimir is feeling. Casimir feels the most comfortable just staying at home, reading, watching TV, and sometimes writing a little. He occassionally hangs out with Travis, Mary Ann, and his sister, Carissa, and there are times where he has a good time, but social interactions drain his battery very quickly.

He thinks that getting a new boyfriend will fix all of his problems and give him a new meaning in life, but it's not going to. He's able to snag dates pretty easily (he mainly uses dating apps), but each guy he meets just doesn't click with him. Some are straight up antagonistic towards him because they don't understand his interests or the way he acts. They also don't want to deal with all of his emotional baggage. Casimir is autistic and it can cause a lot of strain in the short-lived relationships he does have because the guys don't understand and don't BOTHER to understand Casimir. Travis secretly has feelings towards Casimir, but he does not reciprocate and only sees Travis as a good friend. It doesn't help that Damien keeps haunting and tormenting Casimir, trying to force him to come back to the Dreamplane and take him back.

Casimir fled the Dreamplane after getting fed up with Damien's manipulation and physical abuse. He wasn't the same Damien that he fell in love with in the beginning. But that doesn't stop the feeling that everything was his fault. He feels like he's the reason his and Damien's relationship failed, and he still loves and cares about Damien deeply. He heavily considers going back to Damien and trying to make things work, but he knows that deep down, things will just be the same and he can't change Damien. His heart aches for the old relationship they had, but his brain is keeping him from running back just to be hurt again. Damien isn't quite keen on that, however, and will do ANYTHING to get Casimir back and keep him forever.

Despite the pain Casimir has endured, he's still a very kind and empathetic soul. He cares deeply for his friends and wants to help those he can. He understands the struggles of other people and wants them to get better, but he just can't seem to feel that way for himself. He likes to give money to the homeless, help the elderly, research things for people, and other kind deeds. He's willing to do anything to help someone, but his definition of anything is "so long as it doesn't make me uncomfortable." His friends recognize his kindness and Carissa has tried to nurture it since Casimir was young, and it's one of his best traits. His kindness, empathy, and tendency to be over emotional has caused serious tension between him and his father. His father was emotionally abusive and raised Casimir for the sole reason of becoming the heir to Mening Co., the family business. His father's abuse is what caused him to flee to the Dreamplane at age 13, and he's had severe self-esteem issues since then.

Casimir suffers from depression and anxiety, and after all the abuse he's endured from both Damien and his father, his mental health is in a very bad spot. He's slowly breaking the habit of self-harm, but there are times where he breaks down. However, becoming friends with Travis and Mary Ann and reuniting with Carissa has helped his mental health improve. When he becomes depressed, he completely shuts down and closes himself off from the rest of the world. He wallows in his own depression and self-hatred and doesn't really have any healthy coping mechanisms. Luckily, Travis, Mary Ann, or Carissa is usually there to comfort him and keep him from spiraling. He prefers to keep quiet and just rot in his own thoughts, but with enough encouragement, his friends are sometimes able to get him to open up. When this happens, he just sobs about all of his problems and the way he's feeling, including his thoughts of self-harm, self-hatred, and sometimes suicide. His friends are pretty good at de-escalating the situation and just plop him in front of the TV with some tea, his Mr. Pawsford plush, and a shitty Wandmark movie playing. They leave him alone but keep a close eye on him, and this usually gets him to calm down.

Casimir is just a baby boy who has been through a lot of pain and abuse. Returning to Komagi after being on the Dreamplane for over 12 years has made it very hard to reacclimate into normal Komagian society, but with the help of his friends, he's doing the best he can. He's caught up in the delusion that finding a new boyfriend will magically fix all his issues, when in reality he needs to fix himself. He sometimes considers going to back to Damien to try to make things work, but his rational side knows that what he did is for the best. Despite being very standoffish, Casimir cares deeply for his friends and is extremely empathetic for those around him. He tries to help people where he can, so long as it doesn't involve anything too demanding. He struggles with depression and anxiety, and his mental health can get very bad, at times. Luckily, his friends are almost always there to comfort him. Casimir is slowly coming to terms with who he is and the new life he's going to lead on Komagi. He has a hard time leaving the past behind him, but every day is a chance to be better.


A broken soul with a heart of gold. Casimir's been through so much shit but has come out a better person because of it. Despite being very socially awkward, he's a complete sweetheart who cares deeply for others. If only he cared for himself. Casimir is very soft-spoken and timid, but is extremely well-read, knowledgable, and rational. He's the voice of reason within his friend group, and many people come to him for advice, which he is more than happy to provide. He's extremely empathetic towards others and will do anything he can to help another soul in need. He's almost too empathetic and selfless to a fault, which can cause him to stretch himself too thin or actively harm/sabotage himself in order to help someone else. Luckily, his boyfriend Damien keeps his kindness in check when the situation calls for it, as Casimir can be somewhat gullible.

When Casimir is with his friends, he really comes out of his shell. He's witty, smooth, and very, very sassy. He loves cracking jokes with his friends (he bounces really well off of Mary Ann, and they tend to tease each other the most). He usually prefers to stay in the background and quietly listen when he's out with his friends, and his friends respect that. His care for them is immeasurable and he will do anything to help them. Unless it's something he doesn't understand, then he can get a little ticked off. Usually though, when his friends ask him for help or advice, he's more than happy to provide, going out of his way to research different subjects to offer some feedback. He prefers a small, intimate friend group, as opposed to large ones. He struggles to meet new people and make new friends, but he's quite content with the people he has in his life right now.

Casimir is autistic and can struggle in social situations. When he's working at his bookstore, he's able to mask like a pro and can handle average social conversations pretty smoothly. However, when a conversation gets too stressful or gets out of control, he quickly shuts down and fumbles his words, almost going silent. When he's out in public normally, Damien usually speaks for him because they practically share a braincell. He's not talking over Casimir, Casimir prefers that Damien answers for him, as Casimir prefers to just sit back and listen. He's easily emotional and can get overwhelmed very easily. He prefers to spend most of his time alone or with Damien, but he enjoys going out for a bit of fun with the rest of his friend group at times. Though, he tends to spend most of his time at his bookstore. He's a workaholic and can overwork himself to a point that puts his health in a tough spot. Despite being the voice of reason in his friend group, Damien is the voice of reason to Casimir, often telling him to take a day off or just do something himself to let him relax for once. Although Damien is unemployed, he frequently helps Casimir at the bookstore to ease some of the pressure off of Casimir. (Yes, Casimir does pay him for his time.)

Casimir's main pain comes from his relationship with his father. He's basically the exact opposite of how his father wanted him to turn out. Originally born to be the heir to Mening Co. (his family's business), Casimir was raised extremely strict with unreasonably high expectations. He was basically raised to be a machine with the sole purpose of running Mening Co. the exact same way his father ran it, which was with an iron fist. Instead, Casimir was a sensitive, empathetic, cowardly, and overly emotional child that ultimately couldn't handle the pressure his father put on him. He fled to the Dreamplane at age 13 and met Damien there. Damien swore to protect Casimir and blah blah they fell in love how cute. (It is very cute I am obsessed with these gay men.) Damien encouraged him to come out of his shell and gave him the confidence to accept who he is and how to live for himself.

Casimir still struggles with mental health a lot. With depression and anxiety, there are days where he can barely function. He hates himself and who he is and still can't get all of his father's emotional abuse out of his head. He will do anything to help those he loves but won't do anything for himself. Damien has to remind him that sometimes, it's important to care about yourself instead of sacrificing your own wellbeing for others. He goes to a therapist and is on medication, but medicine can't cure everything. When depressed, he tends to shut himself off from the rest of the world and wallow in his own self-hatred. He has self-harm scars running up his arms and is still trying to break the habit, but he's gotten better at not doing it. Damien is almost always there to comfort him and take care of him until the feeling fades.

Casimir and Damien are so madly in love. They are obsessed with each other. I am obsessed with them. They're opposites that attracted each other. Damien swears to protect Casimir at any cost because Casimir showed Damien the kindness and compassion he never got in life. Their lives are cosmically intertwined. Damien is usually the flirtatious one that loves to fluster Casimir, but Casimir is also a horny bastard that can easily fluster Damien, as well. They're great at knowing what makes each other tick. Damien prefers PDA and physical affection where Casimir loves to show love with his words and actions. He has a pinterest board dedicated to him and Damien. Damien can be overly clingy and obsessive towards Casimir at times, but Casimir tends to keep him in check in regards to this. He knows where Damien is coming from and understands his concerns, but reassures Damien that his heart only belongs to him.

Overall, Casimir is a timid person who is filled to the brim with kindness and compassion. He's extremely smart and rational, but can get easily overwhelmed in social situations. He's autistic and easily gets hurt when people don't understand him because of it. He's overemotional and cries easily, struggling with images of self-worth and confidence. He needs all the reassurance he can get. Luckily, his boyfriend Damien and his friends always have his back. When he's with his friends, then he truly feels like he can be himself, which is a smart and kind, yet sassy individual. He's soft-spoken and prefers to speak with his actions, rather than words. He feels the best when he's able to help someone using his intellect. He's a baby boy and I love him so much.