
7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:





Unknown, behaves in his twenties


Robotic tundra dragon


Clan Emerybane

Creation Date:

December 6th 2014


Big sweetie, very polite, witty and has a very loud laugh, harbors some quiet angst. Has a little trouble trusting people, or believing they can trust him.

Bidou is a dragon's soul trapped in a robot - he and nine other engineers worked under a renowned mechanic by the name of Naizra. Unfortunately Naizra wasn't quite right in the head after years and years of grease and oil - and so when he discovered an ancient method for crushing a dragon's soul into a gem, he came up with a plan.

He and his ten apprentices toiled to create ten "perfect" robots. There was a mysterious plan for them that Naizra kept hinting at, but none of the apprentices knew what exactly it was until they were complete. Naizra then cruelly betrayed all ten of them, tearing them apart and compressing their souls into stones. He used each one as a power source for the "perfect" robots, forever binding the apprentices to mechanical bodies. Crazed and lonely, he declared them to be his children - problem is he didn't expect them to retain all of their memories.

The Ten rebelled, eventually managing to outwit Naizra and kill him. Unfortunately, they all fell into awful disarray in the meantime, leaving them as little more than shells of the original bots they were. News of the Ten reached the Stormcatcher's council, and a flightwide dicta on sentient robot ethics was discussed and passed. Many flights became wary of having one, afraid of the new rules.

Naizra's Ten were left to wander the wastes alone, driven away by most clans they approached - they seemed to be dangerous, wrecks of robots that could only be a liability.