


3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Keiko, Alias: KE-ROW
Gender: Female-born, IDs as genderfluid
Species: Frog Myumon
Instrument: Drums
Likes: fake glasses, hair clips that shape like animals or fruits, neon colors, being a "Shop Person" (AKA sales associate for Lume Lights), city night viewings (from a tower), 2000s vintage goods
Dislikes: loud vehicles, misplaced products, misbehaved children, 2000s rap music, her major, heat
Bands: “Lume Lights”
Favorite bands: Zerotickholic, Rapeziutto (forgot)
Fashion: Retro/Kandi Rave and Decora Kei
Other: One time she nearly got into a traffic accident by a drunk driver (whom got arrested) when she was a high school senior when a nearly-born Gyarakko PUNCHES the car to the sky and got Keiko to safely! (And thus the two became close friends.)
Friends: Gyarakko of Zerotickholic, and of course her band mates.
"Debut (theme) song": N/A

Keiko, or Alias on stage (with Lume Lights) as "KE-ROW" is a adult Frog Myumon that studies to be a IT-Tech Major, but might plan to switch to a fashioin major but has to work hard to fufill her GE for a transfer. The reason for being a IT-Tech major is due to the pressure of her single father who had to work at a average paid salaryman job on a bank receptionist counter. Her money is from her part-time at Lume Lights, but is slowly tugged by Lexi to be one of the core designers of her shop in exchange for her fashion "starter kit" based on her preferences. If (furry) Kai cannot make it to the SB69 AU, Keiko would have been the replacement for drums.

In the past and weeks before graduating high school, Keiko was almost involvedi n a hit-and-run car accident by a (greesy) drunk driver, but a "angel" galago saved her (with brute force against the car) and took her to safety at the MIDI CITY TOWER, where they enjoy ice cream and night viewing. Gyarakko was out there to "be testing" and saving her is one of her assignments, but she felt happy that kindness pays off. Present day and thanks to Gyarakko, KE-ROW looks up to Zerotickholic and hopefully they will meet again whether its a band battle or a guest appearance. 

Her frog hat is supposedly to have a invinite space like the black hole, which explains why her "frog ears" (like Jacklyn of Criticrista) are well hidden. It was a gift from Gyarakko, created by her creator (and drummer) Giriri.

KE-ROW and Gyarakko Headcanons:


  • Gyarakko is not the best at using a smartphone and using its apps efficiently, yet she knows where Lume Lights is at and is able to visit Keiko when on shift.
  • When Keiko started working, she only has a improvised sporty-inspired look. Gyarakko took notes on the fashion choices Lume Lights has, slowly applying to Zerotickholic.
  • Shimakku finds Gyarakko's clingy friendship a bit annoying, but she only follows around to find gift ideas for Giriri (their creator).
  • When Lume Lights is looking for a drummer, Keiko is the last Myumon to not have enough funds for a instrument. She finds the replicia drum set Jacklyn of Criticrista uses and fits her Frog Myumon criteria. Gyarakko had a (dumb) idea and DRAGS Giriri (and Shimakku) over to help solve her problem. Giriri has "financial aid" enough to support her girls, but in sacrifise for a potential present for Gyarakko (upon permission), Giriri bought Keiko's drum set. Her only request is "For love of Grateful King please take care of her and keep her out of trouble!!!".
  • Gyarakko's first real "escape" was when she accidentally fought off against one of the (second) powerful Urakikan thugs and had to run away (sobbing), while princess carry Keiko while flying around Forthvalley!
  • Keiko describes Gyarakko as: "A stupidly destructive fluffball with a big heart of kindness with the other being mayhem."
  • At one point, Gyarakko and Keiko band jam. Sometimes with Shimakku or other wandering Myumons. A famous Jackalope one time paired with the girls on a performance at Forthvalley.