Marnie Typhoon



3 years, 8 months ago


 Name  Marnie Typhoon
 CLASS  Paladin
 Age 55 y/o
 Birthday February 21st
 Race Tabaxi
 Birthplace Alus'Pela
 Height 6'0"
 Likes Baking, family, simplicity
 Pronouns She/her
 Dislikes Cold weather, secrets, zealots
 Orientation Pansexual
 Theme Song link


Born and raised in Alus'Pela her entire life, Marnie Typhoon had known nothing, but the cloister. She led a relatively simple life in the Temple of Melora and though as a kit, she had an interest in adventuring, she never left its walls. Her wanderlust was tempered raising all 26 of her kids.

Marnie's core beliefs, as taught to her by the Temple of Melora, is to live in harmony with wild and its chaotic nature. As so, she is very easygoing, letting things as they happen, but her complacency has made her a bit of a pushover. Additionally, she has trouble with attachments, laying down roots, and commitments. She's had many partners, but it was only in her later years that she was able to settle down with someone. When she was 55, her wife, [ unknown ], passed away. All her kits having already moved out, she decided to leave the Temple of Melora on a pilgrimage through Darazgul to visit her kits one last time.