


3 years, 8 months ago


( ̄▽ ̄)
 Name  Sabo
 Age  29 y.o.
 Gender  Male
 Pronouns  He/Him
 Bday  September 23th
 Voice  info  
 Theme  info  

 Species  Demon
 Height  5'8"
 Sexuality  Bisexual
 Job  N\A
 Trait  Pas-Imposter
 R.status  Meets
 L.status  Alive

 "Am I Lying? Funny ~"

The showy Devil that always does everything to spite someone. He loves to draw attention to himself outside of meetings with his strange behavior. Too proud of the other crew members. Caring and attentive only to their own creatures. He doesn't care what others think of himself. He behaves as he wants, and no one is an obstacle to him, except for his own child, whom Sabo has been taking care of since his birth, and that is completely alone. The devil values him as his memory of his past love, and as his only son. Begins to get mad when someone does not believe him or does not listen.

 Sabo is one of those types who love to recognize and feel the unknown, both about themselves and in addition to their beloved. Loving someone, the devil will behave like a cat that loves his master, although in this case the "beloved". He will gently butt with his head, but not with his horns, since he does not want to harm his love object. Sabo will trust his beloved enough, which is why there are no quarrels and jealousy in the family with him, but this will all depend on the beloved.

  • To know and feel, something new (So about yourself, and about something else).
  • Family (Kille and Pi2).
  • Attention to yourself.
  • Show your weakness.
  • When someone is not listening to him.
  • When he doesn't get the attention he wants.
  • Sweet.

  • Cooks well enough.
  • Hides his own tail under his clothes.
  •  Initially, Sabo thought he was heterosexual, but after the appearance of Pi2 in his life ... This opinion faded away. 
  • (Not) Single father.
Kille  Son

Kille is his favorite and the only child he cherishes. He will not tolerate if something threatens him. Sabo is with him like a mother cat with a kitten.


Pi2  Beloved
Pi2 is his first male beloved. Sabo often cooks for him, which is why he most often feeds Pi2.

Dementor  n/a

With Dementor Sabo is more neutral than negative.  His Sabo also feeds up occasionally as opportunities arise.