Amara Carvaris



3 years, 7 months ago


Amara is a Dalish elf whos clan resides outside of Thedas, specifically south east of Thedas, where the wintry cold forever stays. Her clan initially came from Thedas but fled outside of Thedas during one of the blights to escape from it and find safer grounds. Despite the harsh cold, the clan discovers a decent population of people living within these lands. Luckily the locals have interest over the supplies the clan carried from Thedas to their lands and agreed to let them stay in return for the goods they have brought with them, as a majority of their supplies do not grow within their lands. So the Carvaris clan set up their home in these wintry lands and grow to be a clan that focuses on trading and becoming merchants. Eventually however, their supplies start to dwindle and they are forced to send some of their clan members back to Thedas to bring them back the good that have originated from there back to where they now reside. Luckily, the wintry lands are rich in ores and minerals so whenever a clan member is sent back to Thedas, they may act as a travelling merchant to sell various goods that are local to the wintry lands to the people of Thedas so they may have funds to be able to buy all their necessities throughout their trip in Thedas. During the time of DA:I, Amara, the runt of the Carvaris clan, was chosen to be the clan member to gather materials for their clan. Usually the clan sends out talented hunters and those who can fend themselves from all sorts of danger such as darkspawn or the general wilderness, Amara however isn't much of a fighter, but possesses the gift of magic. Typically, a clan would keep at least one mage, aside from the clan leader, safe within the clans, however a young member of the clan has recently shown their gift of magic, so they are able to send away Amara to gather the supplies. As soon as she arrived at Thedas, she notices the veil split open in the sky. Luckily not far from where she saw the veil, she spots a human hunter sitting by a campfire. She asked what has happened and learned about the split veil, Coryphius, and the inquisition. Seeing as the veil threatens to destroy the world, Amara heads towards skyhold and searches to find the inquisitor to offer them the resources they have gathered from the wintry lands in which her clan now resides. Amara is a romancable merchant that will stay in skyhold and ocasionally be out and about in thedas, where she will function as a travelling merchant. If she is outside of skyhold, then that means that she is currently outside to gather supplies for her clan, but is willing to sell supplies to the inquisitor if they happen to come across her. When interacting with her she will either greet the inquisitor or comment on the surrounding areas, as she is actually born within the wintry lands and has only heard of Thedas from what her parents and the clan leader has told her in preparation for the trip there. Amara has a companion that is a nuggalope named Mr. Nuggles. He is often seen carrying bags on his back that contains all the goods Amara has for offer. If the inquisitor has unlocked the nuggalope mounts, Amara will comment on them and will be able to learn more about the nuggalopes. By the time of Trespasser, the inquisitors nuggalope and Mr. Nuggles has had a flock of baby nuggalopes that have been kept in Lellianas care.