Milo Hopp



3 years, 8 months ago


Milo Hopp

A young soldier willing to give his heart for humanity, although he is too aggressive with his companions...

Milo Hopp
16 (850) | 20 (854)
15th January

Survey Corps
He's from the north of Wall Rose
White hair(and eyelashes) and lilac eyes

Stop loafing around and back to work!Titans don't kill themselves.

— Milo Hopp to Angelo Krämer - 850


He was born in a snowy town to the north, within the Rose Wall. When he was born, the villagers shouted that he was a miracle, because of his fair complexion and white hair and eyelashes, in addition to his mysterious lilac eyes. But when people died in the village, for unknown reasons, they always ended up blaming "that albino boy." Every time people behave worse with the boy's family, sometimes even calling them "the devil's envoys". They ended up giving the nickname "White Demon" to the little albino boy. One day, when Milo returned from looking for firewood in the snowy forest, he found the bodies of his parents in the garden of their house, staining the snow with the blood that their bodies gave off. There was one painted with blood in the same house, that said "Get out of here, you damn demons!". Scared that he might die, he fled his village until he reached the south of the Rose wall. Maria's wall had fallen and people had crowded into the place where he ended up (and which took several days to arrive). Finally, in the year 847, at the age of 13, he became a recruit to save humanity from the evils that lurked. He wasn't just thinking about the Titans.In 850 he joins Survey corps, when he's 16 years old.


The 3 years he spent as a recruit served to strengthen him, mentally and physically, but he does not get along very well with his teammates, although some of them insist on getting along with him, so he had no choice but to accept it. Anyway, even though he doesn't like Angelo, the redhead always tries to make amends and make friends. (Although it does not usually end well)


  • Kill Titans
  • Freedom
  • White birds
  • Darkness
  • Hit idiots
  • Angelo
  • Art
  • Sun and light
  • Eggs and cooking
  • Short hair

Introvert Extrovert
Friendly Challenging
Curious Cautious
Nervous Confident
Disciplined Carefree


Angelo Krämer

Opposite poles. He hates that Angelo always says things like "paint his story" because they are there to kill Titans and not to paint them.

Reiner Braun

He ends up fighting with him because Milo always says nasty things about Angelo. (He always loses against Reiner)

Mikasa Ackerman

He has respect for her and seems to him the only decent person in the 104 trope of recruits.


  • Snow
  • Gold earrings
  • Lilac
  • A lucky break
  • Friend of death
  • Theme

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