Jeorge Jeroboam



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




JJ (Jamie, Idris)



Bottle Level

Intermediate (Advanced when paired with Jamie)


February 18th








Idris' Personal Hype-Man (he's hired muscle, ordered by the don to protect Idris).




Demisexual (homoromantic)


Idris Codd, self-help books, conspiracy theories, Top 10 videos on Youtube, writing, DnD, videogames


Brutal honesty, cleaning, rain, SD TV, first person shooters, alcohol


Deep within the bowels of New Temp City, a secret plot is unfolding right before the eyes of the general public. Under the shadow of justice, the dangerous Codd Mafia has created weapons of great power under the guise of simple water-bottles. Distributing them to the highest bidder, the mafia makes bank off their enterprise, and utilizes the money earned to slowly buy out sections of New Temp City; taking them over. Anyone who disagrees gets a face-full of their latest, inconspicuous technology. Local law enforcement are aware of the plot, but are either taking bribes themselves or just incapable of catching the slippery criminals affiliated with the Codd Mafia. A local vigilante by the name of the "Bottle-Necker" has recently arrived on the scene to put an end to the situation, but it seems like despite their best efforts, the hydra keeps regrowing its heads...

Jeorge Jeroboam is a man who believes in you, first and foremost. Inspiring and optimistic, Jeorge is a true force of good, and one that will support you beyond measure; one that will help push you to the highest of heights! Working a bodyguard for the Codd Mafia, he's a loving and warm soul who is putting all of his beliefs and all of loyalty into the heir of the operation: Idris Codd. Along with his partner, Jamie Magnum, Jeorge acts as Idris' person Hype Man. He protects him, he lifts him up, and when the time comes, he supports him emotionally. Whenever Idris is feeling down, Jeorge is there to pick him back up, and it's due to his spirit that Idris finds the strength to continue his dreams. Jeorge and Jamie would do anything to protect Idris, and to help him achieve his goals. What goals are those, you may ask? Well, word on the street is that the Bottle-Necker's identity was recently just revealed, and that Idris is gunning for that little girls head...Jeorge supports him, even if his morals are questionable!

Physical Description:

Jeorge is a short man with a thin, linear build. He's got a consistently tired look in his eyes due to family struggle, but never fails to smile when hardship comes his way. His job actively lifts him up, and his grin isn't a facade.

He has short, curly hair that is swiped to one side and calm green eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of Filipino.

Jeorge joined the Codd Mafia when he was 18, after he took on a job from them in exchange for food, drink and a place to stay for himself and his 10 year old sister. Having no family to turn to, and having nowhere else to go, the kind members of the Codd Mafia saw the purpose of an extra man in their ranks, and jumped him into the group. Although he was no bruiser, and he was no leader, Jeorge turned out to pull his weight in ways that were not expected of him. He became an emotional tether of the group, a rational mind whose words were unifying and inspiring. He was a good person to be around, and Donald Codd saw the potential of someone like that paired up with his baby-boy, Idris. Along with Jamie Magnum, Jeorge acts as a bodyguard to the young heir; acting as an emotional crutch for the young man. When Idris doubts himself, Jeorge is there. When Jamie needs to a tether, Jeorge acts to ground her. It makes the two of them a good team, and they've created a real bond that has made them in-sync while they fight. They're stronger when they work together!

He has a small mole on his right cheek, just below the eye. 


You'd never expect a person like Jeorge Jeroboam to be involved in mafia activity. Kind to a fault, supportive above all else, and without a violent bone in his body, Jeorge seems much too soft to survive in this type of environment. The Codd Mafia run a tight ship, a serious business, and the enterprise does not humor weakness within its ranks. However, Jeorge has made a name himself through the shining endorsements of others. Unlike most goons, he's got a brain, and a heart that can change the mind of anyone in doubt.

Sensative and considerate, Jeorge is a selfless individual who would do anything to help others shine. A supportive man, he is one many run to when they are in crisis. Jeorge is a good listener, understands, validates, and creates simple solutions to help others out of their binds. He's a moral compass to many, a logical resource for some, but most of all? He's an irreplaceable soul, and a valuable cog in the Codd Mafia. Sure, it's good to have brawn, but leaders of the operations have to have the mindset and the foresight to succed. Jeorge has this, and his advice has lead to successful operations that earn bank for the organization.

Jeorge is a inspirational man, whose silver tongue unify the mafia and call them to action. His greatest value is his altruistic heart, yet morally grey alliances that will serve anyone who will help him survive. Having to previously survive on the street and care for his young sister, Jeorge knows how to talk his way into and out of situations using his unique talents. However, unless it benefits anyone other than himself, he will not do it. Jeorge does not have a selfish bone in his body, and only acted in that manner to help his sister--he couldn't have cared about himself.

His potential is vast, but he is a man of weaker constitution than most. When things gets physical, Jeorge is exponentially weaker than his attackers, and can easily subdued by an enemy. In order to be effective in the ways of the Bottle, he must partner up with Jamie, and only then can the two of them stand a chance in stopping a threat. Jeorge is someone who has always felt powerless when alone; someone who had come to terms with his life's futility too early. It creeps up on him when he's alone, so he tries to surround himself with company in order to stave off existential dreads. 

But in his current assignment, Jeorge is never alone. Acting a personal bodyguard to the mafia heir, Idris Codd, Jeorge spends almost is entire day with him and his partner, Jamie Magnum. The duo support Idris, protect him, and stand by him through thick and thin no matter the assignment. Recently, however, Idris has been starting to act on his own. Having been slighted by his father for the last time, the young heir has it in his head that he shall be the one to put an end to the Bottle-Necker. Despite the danger, Jeorge supports him, and realizes now that he'll have to work harder than ever to prevent the young heir from making a terrible mistake...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

While Jeorge may not be the strongest in the mafia, he most certainly is one of the most logical and empathetic of the bunch. What he lacks in brawn, Jeorge makes up in brain, and he acts a moral compass to Jamie (not to mention anyone else in his vicinity). He's got good instincts, a great head on his shoulders, and knows when to hold em' and when to fold em'. His foresight is admirable, and combined with Jamie's unstoppable power the duo are a threat to be reckoned with. He's not the strongest Bottle User around, but he does know how to use it...perhaps even better than others. Some use it just to hit, but they don't understand the potential within like Jeorge does!

That potential means nothing if you're not strong enough to use it! Jeorge is of weak constitution, which has been his cross to bear for the majority of his life. When living on the streets, he had to learn to be smart and evade danger...because once he got into it it was likely he was going to get mugged. He's bad at standing up for himself, bad at fighting back, and has a tendency to tolerate too much BS from others around him. He's just not strong enough, morally or physically, to say no to anyone.

Bonus Facts:

- Jeorge has a bit of a crush on Idris...but Idris is much too enraptured in himself to notice how Jeorge feels about him. It's a bummer, but if anything it makes Jeorge more motivated to do his job. At least, that's how he views it.

- In the weekly mafia DnD games, Jeorge plays an elf cleric named Pillow. He really likes the spell "Calm Emotions". 

- His favorite color is pink! It became so when his baby sister was born; she loved the color pink and to cheer her up Jeorge would always wear it around. He equates it to his sister, and it makes him happy. Even when he's working, he carries a piece of her with him; close to his heart.