Todd Ruth




Full Name: Todd Ruth

Nickname: Ruthy 

Gender: male

Age: 17

Sexuality: polysexual, gay

Species: bat? 

Voice Claim (Optional): 

Magical Abilities: ..bat. 

+ Can turn into a bat

Base Information:

Height: 6"2

Weight: 140

Body Type: skinny 

Hair Colour/Type: (drawings) plus bushy eyebrows

Eye Type/Colour: greyish pink 

Skin color: white

Clothing: emo, dark colors usually. Sometimes revealing clothing(mostly at home) 

Has two ear piercings on his left ear, one piercing on the top tip of his right ear, a piercing on his left eyebrow, and a lip piercing, all of them either dark colored or silver. Also has nipple and belly button piercings, nipple one is two hearts(i can show ref maybe) and belly button is a spider


Likes: dark places | fruits | bugs | spiders | sleeping | listening to music | kinky stuff | submissive | dark jokes | fire | guns and knives 

Dislikes: bright lights | loud noises | disrupt of slumber | himself. 

Strengths: all nighters

Weaknesses: liking himself

Base Personality: dark humor, emo

Behaviour: humorous, sassy(honestly I'll figure these out in rp)

Hobbies/Talents: can't hold a hobby long enough. Being Emo 


Strength: 4/10

Speed: 5/10

Intelligence: 5/10

Magical Ability: 4/10

Courage: 5/10

Skill: 4/10

Experience: 3/10

Defence: 6/10

Bio/Description (Optional): 

Appearance: an emo with blonde fuffy bangs and dark brown undercut hair (natural hair color is dark brown)

Has two small horns on his head

His bat wings are natural colored lookin bat wings

Relationship status: Taken by Gabriel (oc of my bff, Belp)