Scarlett Elivante



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


20 (She was frozen for a little while, so really she's around 50 temporally)


Scary-Lady (Mew)



Special Ability



September 7th








The local "Witch of the Mountainside", Scarlett only sometimes comes down from the mountain peaks for blankets and other necessities.






Mountains, alone-time, quiet, hot drinks and hot things in general (she likes spicy food)


Any sort of authority, having to speak, has a very big weakness to the cold


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

Scarlett Elivante is not one of those heroes...although she was meant to be. Created for the sole purpose of becoming a savior to the people, Scarlett has since shrugged off this destiny pre-painted for her; destroying all traces of it. Under the guise of extreme apathy, Scarlett possess a hatred for the world, and deeply wishes to see it destroyed. More than anything, she wants to see the city she was built to protect, and the world she was built to serve, ripped apart by her own hand. Crafting her plots and building power for her schemes, Scarlett sits alone atop the mountainous backdrop of Sparta, waiting.

Physical Description:

Scarlett is a small woman with a stringy, thin build. She is a black hedgehog. Due to her inorganic creation, she has problems speaking, and vocalization causing herself pain.

She has dark black hair that is cut short. It's bushy and spiny up until the base of her neck. She has red eyes.

Scarlett was not born of natural means, rather, she and her younger sister were artificially created by scientists hoping to create a true "super-hero" to protect Sparta (and thus, the world). That didn't end up panning out, for a variety of reasons, and somehow Scarlett ended up frozen in ice for thirty years...waiting to be defrosted. Eventually, she was found by a short white hedgehog with a chip on her shoulder...she hasn't seen her in a while, though.

Because of her origins, Scarlett was created with abilities that far surpass a normal being. Scarlett possesses powerful telekinetic powers; she can life buildings and rip people apart without much effort on her part. How these abilities exist, and manifest, is currently unknown. However, Scarlett frequently uses them to push trespassers off her mountain...yielding lethal results, at times. She doesn't care about the lives that are lost because of her actions, however. Her bitterness and stewing anger keep her from compassion.


While heroes are abound in the city of Sparta, villains are just as easy to find; maybe even more-so. No matter their origins, or their reasonings, these evil beings exist to do harm to the cities populous, and the world in turn. This villainous problem has persisted for decades. Yet Sparta official weren't always entirely useless. Over thirty years ago, there was an attempt at a solution: the creation of an ultimate enforcer of justice. This "super-hero" would have brought about a major change in the city of Sparta... but it's a shame these things never work out. Now this foreseen-savior has become the biggest threat to the world as it stands.

Quiet and seemingly emotionless, Scarlett puts up a front of nothingness. To whatever stimuli surrounds her, she offers no reaction; it's almost has if she tries her hardest to resemble a corpse rather than a living being. She offers nothing, and allows no one to get close to her. She is brutal and crushing with her punishment, and hardly shows mercy to those who venture up her mountain. Within this shell of banality, Scarlett holds a bitter center about her, and a massive chip on her shoulder.

There's a real hatred for the world within her. Scarlett craves for its destruction, and to be that destroyer. She doesn't seem to care much for her own life, and would rather channel her anger into her boundless telekinetic power. Speaking of anger, this seems to be one of the few emotions Scarlett is still familiar with. She never seems to smile, or even to emote in general. She's fighting her face at every turn to keep it rigid, as if showing some twitch of the eyebrow will be her undoing. 

Scarlett is emotionally and social stunted from a "lifetime of apathy," as she's dubbed it. She neglects her own humanity out of an internalized disgust, and instead of experience empathy, she shrugs it off and chooses not to care. Scarlett doesn't care to communicate, to move, to entertain people who trek up her mountain to talk to her. She simply refuses. She feels no sense of longing, or bitterness from her lack of connection. Why would she? When everything humanity has offered her is pain and death? What good did connecting with her sister do? Or anything? 

And so, she chooses not to invest her time in connections. Instead, Scarlett has a bigger mission in mind. The city of Sparta, and the world it exists on, is nothing but tainted to her. Disgusted by people, and harboring toxic anger within her, it is Scarlett's dream to destroy this world by her own hand. Who cares if she dies in the process? If everything ends, then that's a job well done for her. She was originally created to save the world; to lead it to a new age. Well, won't this just be a unique way of doing just that? Returning the planet to its original, lifeless state?

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Scarlett's biggest strength is by far her super-human (or, well, hedgehog) abilities. Due to being the "first-born" creation, Scarlett's telekinetic abilities were much stronger than foreseen, and instead of using those abilities for good, Scarlett now uses them for less savory things. For instance, if she wished, Scarlett could lift buildings, rip people in half, and has even plotted to rip the planet apart at times. She's gotten way too close to succeeding in her plots, as well. How these powers manifest is unknown, but what is known is that Scarlett's abilities are not to be underestimated. They are unpredictable, and strike without warning or cue.

Despite her seemingly insurmountable nature, Scarlett has some weaknesses that were not originally programmed into her. For instance, Scarlett is very adverse to the cold. She despises winter, and whenever the temperature drops she becomes sluggish and slow. To a normal person, the cold is an inconvenience. To Scarlett? It's near debilitating. The cold also seems to have some sort of stopping power on her telekinetic abilities as well, but how that could be is unknown.


Bonus Facts:

- Before winter comes, Scarlett makes a yearly pilgrimage down into Sparta to get food and blankets for herself. These days are hectic and deadly, as Scarlett does not care about paying or common courtesy. She takes what she wants, leaves, and no one hears of her until the next winter.

- Scarlett has a very good sense of fashion, and enjoys dressing up. It's how she gets some semblance of joy, all alone in the mountain caves...

- Scarlett, and a lot of the RP Group characters, stem from Sonic the Hedgehog fan-characters of the same name and personalities. "Scarlet the Hedgehog" was the very first villain I ever created, and before her all-black makeover, she used to be yellow. Times have changed since then.