Nike Crawford-Cutler



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Nik (David), NCC (Cap)




Currently hitching a ride with Bud and Cap and joining them on their awesome adventure! Gonna catch some aliens!!!


June 13th








She's a middle-school student, but is just so BORING! She never pays any attention! Now, hunting alien outlaws? THATS something she wants to do!




??? (She's unsure!)


Fashion, soccer, pranks (especially pranking her teachers), pop-punk, cats, action movies, car chases


Getting more than she bargained for, being alone, losing things, expectation


18 years ago, one man sold the world to impossibly intelligent alien life; dooming the human race. For two years, he sat in a prison built for him, and decided there amongst the lonely walls that he couldn't let his mistake go without remedy. He escaped from his cell, gathered an old ally, became acquainted with new ones, and joined a rebel force. After a hard fought journey full of sacrifice and self-reflection, this man took back New Earth from the Aquidicite's; saving the world from it's inevitable demise. This man was David Crawford. Together with Eve Cutler, Luke Jatches, Stacy Wells, Johnathon Brothey, and of course Bud, David nearly gave his life to drive the Aqudicites away. While the world is much better for it, it still has a long way to go before things are back to the way they were before the invasion...

After the resolution of the invasion, David and Eve rekindled their past romantic relationship. They were married four years after the invasion, and soon after that they were both looking to have a child together. Because of the injuries sustained to him at the end of the invasion, David was told he was effectively infertile, and that he and Eve shouldn't even try to have a child. This did not stop them, and the duo did manage to conceive against all odds, naming the baby-girl Nike. She's their miracle child, and they raised her like one, instilling important lessons into her...but also spoiling her rotten (though this was more David's thing). Eighteen years after the invasion, Nike lives peacefully detached from the events of the past...she even falls asleep in history class. However, what her parents have tried to steer her away from will come directly to Nike when she walks in on her strange uncle, Bud...

Physical Description:

Nike Crawford-Cutler is a small girl with a slim, pencil build. She's the young daughter of famed revolutionary Eve Cutler, and The Man Who Sold The World, David Crawford.

She has short, black hair in a messy bob that comes just above her chin, and bright blue eyes. She is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of White and South African).

A middle-school student, Nike lives in a Post-Invasion New Earth, where the world is wary and still recovering from the Aquidicite Invasion 18 years ago. While she's aware her parents did amazing things for the world, as did her relatives, she really doesn't care for history and tends to sleep through the class. Nike is more interested in sports and pranks, and would rather shrug off responsibilities like school and go on a cool adventure! Luckily for her, a journey is just around the the bathtub...where an alien is sleeping.

Nike's got her fathers smarts (crafty smarts) and her mother go-getting attitude. In short, she's a smarmy joker who never know when to let up. She's also a kind, empathetic person who'll never let you down when you're down, but it's just easier to say Nike is an almost perfect blend of her parents.


Nike Crawford-Cutler is a seemingly untouchable kid, at a glance. The daughter of (arguably) the most infamous people on the planet, her status is well-established and those around her hesitate to get close. She may be popular, but that doesn't mean she has friends--in fact most people avoid her, not wanting to ruin their standing with someone so important. Nike is aware of all of this. She knows her parents are cool; she hears it from everyone, and the stories have long since begun to bore her. It doesn't matter how people treat her, or who her parents are, Nike is spirit who will never be discouraged or let down by those around her.

Ambitious and intelligent, Nike is a crafty girl who knows how to think outside the box. She's a powerful force to be reckoned with when she wants something, and she'll do anything to get it. Nike is quick on the uptake, fast on her feet, and is about action above all else. If something needs to be done, she'll do it, even if it's foolish! She'll take that dare, she'll eat those fifteen hotdogs in a row, even if she's the underdog. She loves a good challenge! She's a competitive spirit, but don't let that scare you. She's got a warm and inviting personality, and a natural disposition that draws people to her. This can be intimidating to some (read: many) but really she's just a young girl who wants to have fun on her terms.

While she has brains and guts, she's quite mischievous. She's a joker and a prankster who loves to have fun, and wants to include people in on that fun! Nike gets a kick out of causing trouble and messing around; it's a bad habit she picked up from her father. Playing around with others is fun to her! Especially Uncle Luke, Uncle Luke is so easy to mess with! The look on people's faces is priceless to her, and she feels validated by the reactions she gets from others--it makes her feel good. This can also be intimidating to many. At school, Nike is like a vigilante prankster. Who know if you'll be next? 

But Nike's biggest problem is how she jumps into situations without realize the gravity of them. She does this in school with her pranking, and does this in real life--especially recently, what with this adventure thing. Nike also has a problem with eschewing responsibility. When things go wrong, or look like they're about to, she blames everyone but herself. She tries to bail, and leaves behind a mess for others to clean up. It's not good, but she panics and doesn't know what else to do.

Unfortunately for her, she can't bail now. Not that she'd want to! Nike is about to go on, she thinks, the ride of her life. A brand new world has opened before her eyes. Aliens! Aquidicites! Still on New Earth, trying to avoid the law and reclaim the world for themselves! And only Bud and that weird cyborg kid can stop them...! This is amazing! Nike would pay millions of dollars to be a part of that fact, she blackmails her own Uncle Bud to take her with him! Now she's in it for the long haul. Trusted with her Uncle's secret, Nike rides around with him and Cap, searching for rogue Aquidicite's trying to evade justice! She can't wait to start dishing out dirt...if only she knew how unprepared she was.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Nike is a sporty type with decent athletic skill. She doesn't hit hard, but she can hold her own is she's hassled by someone else. Nike is intelligent and crafty; she can get out of situations by using her head and isn't one to give up easily. Even if things seem impossible, she breaks on through, and her perseverance is inspiring to those around her. She's ambitious and daring, never one to back down from a challenge or shy away from danger. She's your girl if you need someone to pull off a prank, or a dangerous dare.

But here's the thing about Nike. She's surrounded by an impossibly intelligent alien and an impossibly durable cyborg. But Nike's human. She's flesh and blood. She doesn't have any notable, outrageous skill--with the exception of her personality. She's decent, but at the end of the day Nike is a 12 year old child who has just jumped into a world headfirst--a world she's not necessarily ready to handle...

Bonus Facts:

- Sometimes goes too hard when she's pranking. She's been nearly suspended from school multiple times because of the jokes she pulls at the expense of teachers. Tack on their chairs, water bucket on their doors, you name it--Nike is like a middle-school vigilante; dispenser of justice.

- Nike is most familiar with Aunt Stacy, out of her honorary family. She knows Uncle Luke pretty well, but she knows little to nothing about Uncle Bud. She's only seen him a handful of times. She's about to learn a lot more...

- Her middle-name is "Johnathan"! Nike Johnathan Crawford-Cutler. She doesn't know why her dad thought it would be a good idea to make that her middle-name.